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How to get the elemental stiffness/damping matrix of a Maxwell spring-damper element?

A Maxwell spring-damper element consists of a nonlinear damper in series with a spring.

The force deformation relationship can ben found in the file attached . The problem is the constitutive relationship is in the form of  a PDE.

Does any on konw how to get the elemental stiffness/damping matrix?   Or can anyone suggest some reference?

Thanks a lot. 



LG's picture

A book  maybe useful to you:

"Mathematical Analysis in Engineering" by Prof. Chiang C.Mei in MIT

in chapter 13, there are a few introduction to damped elastic spring  with weak nonlinearity. 

the perturbation method is applied to solve this model.



Thanks,LG. Actually, I am more interested in how to imeplement the Maxwell model (with nonlinear damper ) in finite element analysis. The type of element is already embedded in some commercial software like SAP200,but it is hard to find any details.


I might be completely wrong here, but it seems to me that what you are really after is some equation that will give you the displacements for a given force F? And you assume that these equations can be written in the form M\dot{u} + Ku = F, where M and K would be the stiffness and damping matrix? I do not think its really that easy. Here are some of my ideas (I have no experience with these matters, so I could be completely of here):

Assuming small strains (not necessary), the total elongation can be expressed in terms of
the displacements u as
d = b^{t}u                  (1)
where, in 2D, b = (-cos(a) -sin(a) cos(a) cos(a))^{t}, in which a gives the
orientation of the bar relative to the x-axis.

Now, the principle of virtual work states that the external work is equal to
the internal work, so
F^{t}u = fd = fb^{t}u
where the last equality follows from (1). This can be rewritten as
(F^{t} - fb^{t})u = 0
and since u is arbitrary, we get
F = bf           (2)               

which is equlibrium for internal and external forces. The problem here seems to be that the internal force must be
determined by solving the nonlinear ordinary differential equation that you obtained:

\dot{f}/k2 + (f/c)^{\beta} = \dot{d}      (3)

My guess is that you end up with a numerical scheme where u (and f) is updated iteratively while making sure that (2) holds.

In the book 'Nonlinear Finite elements ... ' by Belytscko et al, a very brief section
on viscoelasticity is found on pages 274-276. Some references are also given. Also, perhaps more useful, is "Nonlinear Solid Mechanics" by Holzapfel, chapter 6.

Best regards


Dear Bashir,

Thanks for your kind reply. I think I need to make my question more clear.

 In the nonlinear finite element analysis,  we intend to solve a equation of the form

K(u)u =f

K(u) is the  global stiffness matrix(or effective global stiffness matrix in nonlinear dynamic analysis). K(u) is obtained by the assembly of the elemental matrix. Since K(u) depends on u, we have to solve it iteratively.

In nonlinear dynamic analysis, K(u) actually is a linear combination of the global stiffness matix (static), the mass matrix and the damping matrix.

We can image that for the maxwell type element I mentioned above, the static stiffness is zero since in static analysis the velocity of the damper is zero and then the damping force is also zero.

Usually we can get the element stiffness/damping matrix by differentiating the element internal force with respect to the element nodal displacement/veloctiy.  Now my question is, for the type of element I mentioned above, the element internal force is determined by the individual spring deformation or the damper velocity instead of the total displacement or velocity. It seems hard to differentiate the force with respect to the total displacement or velocity. In this case , how to get the elemental matrix?

 My question may be kind of stupid, but it does puzzle me  a lot.



Hi again,

sorry for the late answer. Perhaps you have already solved it? Anyway, I have some more comments. First, you say that

" In the nonlinear finite element analysis,  we intend to
solve a equation of the form

K(u)u =f"

I would say that we wish to solve systems f_int(u) = f_ext, where f_int often have the form K(u)u. The stiffness matrix (or Jacobian)

is really not central to the analysis, but is required in certain numerical procedures, e.g. Newton's method, that we may use to solve

the residual equations. This is also noted in the book by Belytscko et. al. 


Now, regarding your question, I do not think that you can find an "element matrix". The internal force can, I think, not be viewed as 

a function of the displacement. Intuitively: for a fixed u, we can have several different values of f, which is not what we expect from

a function f(u). Instead, my guess is that you must solve the following DAE (differential algebraic equation) for f AND u:

F = bf   

\dot{f}/k2 + (f/c)^{\beta} = b\dot{u},

with some suitable initial conditions (notation as in my previous post). Systems of this type can be solved using some of the Matlab ODE-solvers,

or maybe the SUNDIALS solvers.


If you come up with a solution, would you please post a description?


best regards





Thanks for your attention.

When I say we intend to solve a equation of the form K(u)u =f , I refer to the discretized incremental form of the equation f_int(u) = f_ext. In nonlinear dynamic analysis, the equation system is supposed to be like


where kt(du) is tangent matrix. My trouble is how to get this tangent matrix.

I did derived some formulations, but the corresponding code does't work well. And I don't know the reason.

The formulations can be found in the attached file. Any advice will be appreciated.

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