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Symposium on Mechanical Characterization and modeling of tissues and biomedical materials at EUROMAT 2011

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Dear Colleagues and friends,

you are kindly invited to participate to the next European Congress
on Advanced Materials and Process:
to be held in Montpellier, France, September 12-15, 2011.
In particular, you might be interested in submitting your abstract
to the symposium
F14: "Mechanical characterization and modeling of tissues and
biomedical materials at all length scales"
that we are co-organizing together with Christian Hellmich
(Technical University of Vienna).

We prompt people working in the biomedical engineering area
to convey to this EUROMAT meeting on advanced materials
with the purpose to merge these two research fields which actually
rest on common approaches. 
In particular those of you who are active in the mechanical
characterization and modeling of tissues and biomaterials are
encouraged to submit their work.



Mechanical characterization and
modeling of tissues and biomedical materials at all length
Prof. Christian Hellmich, TU Vienna (AT)
Prof  Lorenza Petrini,

Prof. Pasquale Vena,
 Polytechnic of Milano (I) 

This symposium will cover the fruitful
interplay of experiments, theory, and computations across
different length scales, when it comes to deciphering the
origins of the intriguing mechanical behavior of
hierarchically organized biological materials. The latter
will include (but not be restricted to) bone, cartilage,
tendon, blood vessels, nacre, and wood. The focus will be
on identification of typical organizational patterns, as
well as of the properties of elementary tissue components
and their interfaces. Use of any modern theoretical,
computational, or experimental tool facilitating this
identification is welcome, such as continuum mechanics,
continuum micromechanics, homogenization theory, Finite
Element methods, molecular and atomistic simulations,
atomic force microscopy, nanoindentation, ultrasonics,
computer tomography, just to name a few. Quantitatively
understanding biological materials will finally ease the
way to better biomedical devices as well as to bio-mimetic
solutions in various technological fields. Contributions
concerning multiscale mechanics of such materials are
equally well welcome in the symposium.


If you would prefer a poster presentation please indicate this on
the abstract. The abstracts will be evaluated and, if accepted, the
authors will be informed about the kind of presentation (oral or

Please note the most important date:
Deadline for abstract submission: January, 31st 2011

Best regards
Pasquale Vena

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