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Call for NominationsY.C. Fung Award for the Best Student Paper on Biomechanics and Biophysics

EMI 2011 Meeting June 2-4, 2011, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Sponsored by:Biomechanics Committee, Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
1. Scope             Submissions are invited in all areas of biomechanics, biophysics and biomateriomics, including organ and tissue mechanics, cellular and molecular mechanics and covering all scales from nano to macro. Application areas broadly range from understanding biological systems and mechanisms, the design of biologically inspired structures and materials, to medical applications, biomaterials and regenerative medicine. Submissions in experimental, computational and theoretical approaches are encouraged. This student award recognizes excellence in research among graduate and undergraduate students to engage a new generation of biomechanics researchers in the various application areas.2. Submission and Competition FormatThe competition consists of three phases: 1. Submission of an abstract (to any of the sessions at EMI 2011) or full paper (for select symposia), according to the guidelines listed at (somewhere in the abstract body mark that the contribution is intended for the Y.C. FUNG AWARD FOR THE BEST STUDENT PAPER ON BIOMECHANICS AND BIOPHYSICS), 2. Following abstract acceptance but no later than April 1, 2011, submission of 7-page research paper (format requirements and address below), 3. Oral presentation at EMI 2011. The award winner will be selected based on the evaluation of the 7-page paper and the performance during the oral presentation at EMI 2011. Criteria for selection are solely based on the technical contents and contributions, which will be judged based on scientific significance, intellectual merits, novelty as well as impact.All research papers must have as their first named author a student or a recent student, no more than one year beyond graduation (at the date of submission of the research paper). It is expected that most submissions will describe Masters or Ph.D. level work; however, truly exceptional work done by undergraduate students will also be considered. Upon acceptance of the abstract (phase 1), the competitor is required to submit a 7-page short paper (12 pt font Times New Roman, 1” margins, including graphics) to describe the background and motivation, main contributions and impact of the work, including citations to published works by the student (phase 2). Although the page limit will prevent presentation of extended exposition, sufficient details should be included to allow a reasonable assessment of technical merits. On the cover page of each submitted research paper, it should clearly stated that the paper is intended for entering the Y.C. Fung Award for the Best Student Paper on Biomechanics and Biophysics with the authors’ name, title(s), and affiliations included. Electronic submissions are preferred.  Based on an  evaluation of the research paper, a group of finalists will be selected who will present their work in a competition symposium with oral presentations, to be held at the 2011 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference at Boston during June 2-4, 2011 (phase 3). The competition is open to students in all academic disciplines and in all countries and regions in the world. All participants selected for the final competition symposium are responsible for their own travel expenses and meeting registration fees.  Key dates pertaining to the Competition are:January 15, 2011: Deadline for Abstract Submission to EMI Conference
Somewhere in the abstract body mark that the contribution is intended for the Y.C. FUNG AWARD FOR THE BEST STUDENT PAPER ON BIOMECHANICS AND BIOPHYSICS
Around March 1, 2011: Notification of abstract acceptance  April 1, 2011: Research paper submission June 2-4, 2011: Competition Symposium held at EMI 2011 at Northeastern University, Boston, USAAll inquiries and research paper submissions should be sent to All postal mail submissions and correspondence should be directed to:Y.C. Fung Award for the Best Student Paper on Biomechanics and Biophysics    
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Phone: 510-642-5362
3. AwardThe award consists of a plaque and $300 cash and will be presented at the EMI meeting. The winning paper and the papers of other five finalists will be invited for submission of their research work for publication in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE).The Engineering Mechanics Institute Biomechanics Committee Biomechanics has emerged as an active research area that has led to numerous innovations over the past decades. The formation of this committee reflects the rapid development of this field through the incorporation of approaches from physics, chemistry and biology in order to provide a multi-scale viewpoint that connotes a merger of the concepts of structure and material in understanding biological materials, from nano to macro. This is an important element of how mechanics will continue to evolve, and the Biomechanics Committee provides critical leadership in these exciting areas of engineering science and application. The EMI Biomechanics Committee has about 15 members who are actively engaged in biomechanics research. Read more:

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