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I am using ANSYS for structural ANALYSIS, I want to add PML or absorbing boundary condition in my simulation:

I have a look at help of ansys, there is absorbing boundary for Electermagnetic domain , Structural fluid ,...

I am not able to find the absorbing boundary condition only for structural domain .

Please can sb help me to know that I can add absorbing boundary condition for structural domain in ANSYS?

the second question:when I want to add complex value as an input how it will be possible in ANSYS,

i.e when I write like A+bi Ansys Consider i as 1 not squareroot(-1), please can you tell how I can do it.

thanks in adavnce

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You may be out of luck there.

Harmonic analyses in ANSYS can use complex variables.  In POST26, the imaginary part of complex numbers can be extracted using the command "IMAGIN".

PML boundary conditions can be applied by making the material properties of the boundary layers complex.  However, this appears to be next to impossible to do unless you write you own user element and user materials.

I've found it too tedious to try these out in Ansys and have used Comsol instead.

-- Biswajit


Dear Biswajit Banerjee

Thank you so much for your commend.

I have tried to implement the same structure in COMSOL with PML boundary 

The extracted result was not complex

next I add the damping as material property for PML domain, In this case The result was  complex.

I think the result Of PML boundary muts be complex , even without damping 

I am a new user of COMSOL , would you mind please can you tell me what's problem with my PML boundary ?

is it necessary to add damping too?

thanks in advance 


It depends on how the PML is implemented.  I've attached a Comsol example to your post.  You can try that out and see if that's what you need.

-- Biswajit

Dear Biswajit Banerjee

I am new user of  Comsol ,Would you mind Please can you explain more this codes that you have already post it to ?

how can I import  this codes in Comsol? 

Thanks in advance






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