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adhesive bonds

Postdoc vacancy (3 years) on computational mechanics of thick adhesive joints in large wind turbine blades

Over the last years, UGent-MMS has developed the stand-alone BladeMesher software for generating finite element models of large wind turbine blades. The software reads in the material data and airfoil data of the wind turbine blade, and automatically constructs the geometry and finite element mesh for the blade. In a next step, the nodal and element information of the finite element mesh is written out to an input file for a commercial finite element solver (Abaqus in this case).

Post-doctoral Position in the Ohio State University

Post-doctoral position is available in the area of ultrasonic material characterization and nondestructive evaluation (strong background and experience in ultrasonic experiment and modeling are required). The position is supported from research grants. The focus area is ultrasonic study of nonhomogenous materials like polycrystalline materials, composites and adhesive bonds. State of the art ultrasonic laboratories and other characterization facilities are available. More details will be provided to interested individuals.

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