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Journal Club for April 2023: Material Testing 2.0

Prof. Fabrice Pierron

University of Southampton, UK

MatchID NV, Ghent, Belgium

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Exciting new vacancy - MatchID US subsidiary

Given our substantial growth over the past few years, MatchID deems the time right to expand our horizon and evolve from a spin-off towards a truly international scaled-up company. To that purpose we will establish a US subsidiary that will not only give us a local physical presence, but also help convey more directly our philosophy to potential customers for a widespread range of applications and market verticals.

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PhD position at Ghent University, Belgium

There is an opportunity to apply for a scholarship at the University of Ghent in Belgium as part of the DyMaLab laboratory on the following topic: Coupled experimental-numerical techniques to identify impact-dynamic properties of advanced materials. A detailed description is available in the attached PDF.

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Academic post in Experimental Mechanics at the University of Southampton

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Southampton is recruiting at Assistant/Associate Professor level in experimental solid mechanics. The application deadline is Jan. 19th 2022. More information is available here. This is an opportunity to join a very well equipped lab in the field of image-based mechanics with activities in a broad range of subjects. Some examples can be found on the PhotoDyn website.

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Post-doc at the University of Southampton in experimental solid mechanics

We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher to work 18 months on a US Air Force sponsored project focused on developing new image-based tests to identify stiffness and strength of adhesives at high strain rates. Some preliminary results can be found here. The deadline for application is August 4th 2020.

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University of Southampton Presidential PhD scholarships

The University of Southampton has just opened its call for applications to our prestigious Presidential PhD Scholarships programme. This is targeted at students with exceptional academic records. Applications have to be filed in through a supervisor, with a project. Please consult the UoS website to identify a potential supervisor in the area of research you are interested in.

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Faculty positions at the University of Southampton

The School of Engineering at the University of Southampton is in the process of recruiting new Faculty members at levels 5 and 6 (assistant / associate professors), in civil, aerospace and mechanical engineering. The full advert can be consulted here, with more details here. Deadline for applications: November 5th 2019.

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One week intensive DIC course, 1-5 July, Ghent, Belgium

The 7th edition of the International Digital Image Correlation (DIC) course will be held in Ghent, Belgium, 1-5 July 2019. There are still a few seats available (total participation limited to 20 to ensure maximum interaction). The course consists of lectures, hands-on data processing sessions and labs (camera set-up, 2D DIC and Stereo-DIC). Details and registration available here.

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DIC course, 11-15 June 2018 in Philadelphia

The 6th edition of the intensive course on Digital Image Correlation (DIC) will take place on 11-15 Jne 2018 à Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA. The course is composed of a number of lectures, data processing sessions and labs. The number of participants is limited to 20 for maximal interaction with the teaching team. More information here.

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Industrial PhD studentship available (EU/UK students only), University of Southampton, UK

A PhD studentship is available at the University of Southampton as part of a collaboration with MatchID NV. It consists at exploring new heterogeneous test configurations for composites and elastomers, based on Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and the Virtual Fields Method (VFM). The overarching goal is to propose new standard tests relying on heterogeneous states of strain and stress for cheaper and more robust material testing.

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VFM course with focus on high strain rate identification

On September 3-4 2018 at the University of Southampton, there will be a 2-day intensice course on the Virtual Fields Method (VFM) with special focus on transient dynamics, with a view to identify mechanical properties of materials at high strain rates from full-field measurements using ultra-high speed imaging. This is part of the PhotoDyn project: The programme can be downloaded here.

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Two year post-doctoral position on high strain rate deformation imaging, University of Southampton

We are currently looking for a post-doctoral researcher to join the Photo Dyn group ( The initial contract if for two years, starting October 1st 2017. The online application deadline is May 12th 2017. For more information, please see

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PhD studentship available - University of Southampton - EU/UK applicants only

We are looking for candidates for this PhD project entitled: 'Strain rate sensitive properties of skin- The development of combined theoretical and experimental tools to capture the strain rate dependent behaviour of soft tissues'. If you are interested, you can consult the full project description here, and contact Dr Frances Davis at

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Lecturer / Associate Professor in Additive Manufacturing

The University of Southampton has an opening for an early to mid career faculty in additive manufacturing. The dealine for online applications is October 7th 2016. Do not hesitate to contact me for informal enquiries at

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Research Fellow in X-Ray CT Scanning to Understand Plant-Soil Interaction

This post-doctoral position at the University of Southampton (UK) is for three years. Please apply here.

Fabrice Pierron's picture

3-year post doctoral position in dynamic testing of materials - University of Southampton

As part of my EPSRC Fellowship programme, I am now recruiting the second post-doctoral fellow associated with the project. I am looking for a talented young researcher with skills in experimental mechanics, particularly in the field of high rate testing of materials and high speed imaging for full-field deformation measurements. Informal enquiries can be made directly to me at, attaching a CV.

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Academic-track fellowships available at the University of Southampton

Up to 10 New Frontiers Fellowships, which provide structured post-doctoral career development pathways to permanent academic positions, are to be appointed in the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton. Applications are invited from individuals who would strengthen any of our research themes, including Structures and Solid Mechanics, Computational Engineering, Materials and Surface Engineering, Acoustics, Geomechanics and Bioengineering.

Fabrice Pierron's picture

3 year post-doctoral position available - High rate testing of materials

As part of my EPSRC Fellowship programme, I am now recruiting the second post-doctoral fellow associated with the project. I am looking for a talented young researcher with skills in experimental mechanics, particularly in the field of high rate testing of materials and high speed imaging for full-field deformation measurements. Informal enquiries can be made directly to me at, attaching a CV.

Fabrice Pierron's picture

Last minute vacancy for Digital Image Correlation course

Following a late cancellation, we have one vacancy left for our one-week intensive course on Digital Image Correlation to be held in Ghent, Belgium, 12-16 January 2015. All details can be found on the course website.

Fabrice Pierron's picture

Post-doc application still open in Southampton

There is still time to apply the 5-year post-doctoral position at the University of Southampton. We are looking for a talented young researcher to join a group working on the definition of the next generation of high strain rate tests based on ultra-high speed deformation imaging and inverse identification (PhotoDyn project).

Fabrice Pierron's picture

5 years post-doctoral fellowship available, University of Southampton

I am looking for a post-doctoral research fellow with a high academic profile to join me on the PhotDyn project. The topic concerns the development of novel high strain rate testing procedures based on ultra-high speed deformation imaging and inverse identification. I am mainly looking for someone with expertise in constitutive modelling of materials. The detailed job description can be consulted here.

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PhD opportunity at the University of Southampton, UK/EU students only

The project deals with the development of a novel procedure for quantitative validation of finite element simulations with full-field optical strain measurements like digital image correlation. The work will be shared between numerical simulations and experimental work. This project has strong industrial relevence. Please note that the project can only be offered to EU/UK students.

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16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics ICEM16, 7-11 July 2014 in Cambridge, UK

The 16th in a series of conferences, starting in Delft in 1959 and following on from the last conference in Porto in 2012 this is the premier event to showcase novel and innovative research in Experimental Mechanics. The conference will take place in Cambridge with the accommodation at Robinson College and the technical sessions at both Robinson and the West Road Concert Hall.


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