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Outstanding Scientists : New Delhi (India)_ CSIR

Amit Pandey's picture


Oppurtunity for experience scientist and professors at

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research [CSIR]:

You have a mission back home in India

India beckons leaders to push the Frontiers of Science and Technology

75 positions of Outstanding Scientists & Technologists of Indian Origin [STIOs]

of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, is one of the
largest and most diversified publicly funded scientific and industrial
research organizations in the world having a network of 37
state-of-the-art laboratories, more than 4500 scientists and 8000
technical support personnel and about 7000 research students. CSIR
is repositioning itself to be Council of Scientific & Innovative
Research with Corporate Social Indian Responsibility to ensure globally
competitive research. To attract the best minds to further the frontier
areas of Science and Technology, CSIR has created the position of Outstanding Scientists, with flexible working conditions.

Outstanding Scientists
• Young dynamic leaders of science to lead and build centers of excellence in national laboratories

Scientists with high degree of peer recognition and 10 years of
experience as a faculty/scientist of an internationally renowned
university/institute/corporate research and development laboratory

Will be holding position equivalent to Director of national
laboratories without administrative responsibility but with full perks
of Director

Outstanding Scientists may spearhead research in their chosen frontier field in any of the constituent laboratories of CSIR
while continuing to hold their existing positions abroad. Period of
residence in India will be at their discretion. The position will be
contractual and tenured.

They may choose to work on part-time or full-time basis.
CSIR will provide appropriate research grants, laboratory space and opportunity to participate in its flagship programs.
For more details visit

CSIR welcomes Scientists and Technologists to Indian Origin to take up this challenge

Write directly to Director General of CSIR, Dr. Samir K. Brahmachari at

Council of Scientific a Industrial Research [CSIR]

Anusandhan Bhavan,2 Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001 (INDIA)




If anyone takes the above seriously for his own career, he should consider the following, addressed to him (not so much to Pandey Amit):

This is an ad for a job in a country in which someone like me could go without a job for 7 (seven) years; a country where mere appointment of PhD examination panel for me could take as much as more than 1.5 years; a country where it took almost 3 years for just registration for doing PhD in the first place (i.e. just for PhD admission---and this period included a wait of 1.5 years after the publication of the first paper)...

(BTW, the people/companies unwilling to employ me include Tatas, the house that now employs the recently retired Director General of CSIR: Mr. Raghunath Mashelkar, FRS. Not a reflection either on CSIR or on the gentleman in question, but it does tell you a bit about the state of the general environment you have in India...)

And, oh yes, let them announce the numbers too---the salary package...

Also other numbers... It's a country that does not even publish just one international journal of repute for each branch of engineering or basic sciences...

It's a country where not just PhD students but even experienced post-docs/researchers/professors do not get called for delivering an invited lecture or two on a topic of their current research interests for years... (A country where calling over researchers from a nearby research lab for a weekend seminar in a local college or university is not at all a part of the culture---but where religious "satsangs" run in thousands, each attracting thousands of attendees... A country where scientists proudly move around with "warkari"s but do not find the time to entertain job applications from competent applicants...) 

But yes. I can certainly see a small niche of scientists to whom it might suit perfectly. I, for that matter, have always known many people (more than 3) who had fellowships in hand from top 5 US schools like MIT/Stanford for doing a PhD over there, but chose not to go... I mean, they didn't even bother to do their PhD in the USA and return---if they did a PhD, they did it here in India.... Similarly, people who could have done highly paying jobs in the USA, but didn't care to even apply even once... And, they still do not repent much about it...  Sometimes, certain personal factors outweigh many other considerations... And India certainly is big enough a country that it can certainly tolerate a few talented people---say, by ensuring a job or two for them...

So, all that I am saying is: Just make sure you get to know the other side too, that's all.. For instance, when recently IIT Bombay announced an initiative calling for 10 best ideas to change the world, a comment I heard from someone on the IIT Bombay campus was telling... He said that they should stop such a fraudulent or useless thing, and instead focus their energy on inviting 20 ideas that could change just this one campus (IIT Bombay's) for the better. Forget about the world; the world is smart enough to know what is good for itself---that's what he said... (I myself can clearly see that his remarks were right on target.)

So, just make sure that you keep the context alive in your mind when you evaluate the "opportunities"...  

Keep it all in mind... Your call, ultimately.


- - - - -
I remain jobless---and I remain being targeted by the Americans on a daily basis, including psychically

Ajit, I admire your patriotism. :)

In all seriousness, one-sidedness is a widespread problem that causes a lot of unnecessary hardship.  The message is simple: look before you leap.  Ajit, on behalf of those eligible/vulnerable, thank you for the announcement.

Amit Pandey's picture

True "look before you leap"

Pandey A.

Ajit is not very wrong but his email gave a notion:

a victim of bad bureaucracy which has make him little frustrated.





Shunlai.Zang's picture

I want to say, you think the world cheated you, actually you have a wrong recognization on the world.

Hold on!

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