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boundary element metod software question


I have written the program in C++ which is based on one of BEM (Method
of fictitious loadings) . I know there are a lot of open libraries of
functions for programming for example openCV or OpenFEM. I could not
find Open Source library for BEM. Please if you know them, give links.

Thanks and Regards,



SivaSrinivasKolukula's picture


         I think research in BEM is still going on and it is in developing stage. NO software is made till now which is completely dedicated to BEM. Where as for FEM the literature and softwares are vast. 

            Follow up this link:    there are some files on BEM. IT might be usefull for you.........

Inspiration and genius--one and the same.
Siva Srinivas Kolukula
Junior Research Fellow

Hi, Siva Srinivas Kolukula

Thanks for your answer.  Is BEM interesting to you?


SivaSrinivasKolukula's picture

Hi Marat,

            Yes BEM is interesting for me. I am working on sloshing problem where I have to apply combination of FEM and BEM.......

Inspiration and genius--one and the same.
Siva Srinivas Kolukula
Junior Research Fellow

as's picture

Hi Marat.

Yes, there are some free codes even if likely not in the form of library. At the University of brescia,  Italy, we are developing since 1999 a large C++ multiplatform open code. It is currently capable of 2D/3D Laplace, Poisson, elastostatics, fracture mechanics (2D). It isin constant evolution and whoever is willing to join the team and share the code is welcome.


Hi,  Albert!

It's very interesting. Is this project commercial? How many people in the team? Can I join to the team?


as's picture

Sure Marat, 

you can join the team. We put severe efforts to build an "easy-to-read" code in this years, sometime sacrifying a bit of efficiency. Indeed, we reached the second goal, building likely the most inefficient code ever... :-).

I can either send you the code or you might download it. It's an open source one, at least so far. As the one who created it, I take the right to modifiy my mind if for any scientific reason I would be requested to. However, I do believe in open sourcing and whoever will develop the code can retain his own copy, of course.

We still have to define the policy under which the code will be developed outside University of Brescia.Likely is the GNU/GPL, though. I will let you know. Tell me first your interests and in which area would you be interested in helping us developing the code. 



Hi Alberto.

Sorry for  my late answer. I have my own code in C++ which based on Method of fictitious loadings. I have kernel and some appendices for destructions and temperature destructions problems. Also I have graphic visualisation code for my problems. I while solve only two-dimensional problems. Please let me know if you have an interest to teamwork.



SivaSrinivasKolukula's picture


     Whats the criteria to join the team?

Inspiration and genius--one and the same.
Siva Srinivas Kolukula
Junior Research Fellow

as's picture

Sure Siva, 

anyone interested in developing an object-oriented C++, multiplatform, parallel BEM code can join the team. He cannot claim any copyright,any code developed must be uploaded and made public, no making money in selling it or parts of it. Standard rules of open sourcing apply.

We still have to define the policy under which the code
will be developed outside University of Brescia. Likely is the GNU/GPL,
though. I will let you know. Tell me first your interests and in which
area would you be interested in helping us developing the code. 



SivaSrinivasKolukula's picture


          That sound good but I am not into C++. I am using MATLAB for my FEM works and Iam using few commercial FEM softwares. If at all I join what will be my job? What I am supposed to do? Are you people going to provide some training kind of thing? 

           And I dont have any depth idea about BEM, I am just a beginner. Even with that, I can join?

Inspiration and genius--one and the same.
Siva Srinivas Kolukula
Junior Research Fellow

as's picture

once again. you are welcome to join. according to what you wrote, you may get a stable version of the executable, and test is thoroughly. Does it sound good?

which are your interests?


SivaSrinivasKolukula's picture

      Yes it is sounding better. But I said am not into C++. Coming about area's am interested in PDE's.

Inspiration and genius--one and the same.
Siva Srinivas Kolukula
Junior Research Fellow

ahmed.hussein's picture

I have developed a complete elasticity BEM code for my M.Sc work from scratch. The code is tested and its results are great when compared to analytical solutions or FEM solutions. It is one of the very first BEM codes to be developed in Cairo University. 

I am very glad to meet some BEM developers :D, BEM is just great. I am really interested to join your team, where I can download your codes and upload mine ? All my codes are in standard C++ and they are OOP based ( I am an aerospace engineer working in the software industry )

I need to contact you to exchange the experiences in BEM software development. you can mail me at or, how can I contact you ?

For Marat, I have a made a huge library with several codes doing lots of stuff (BEM related and others), I am even ready to do more work for anyone who is interested. All my work is open source and available for the scientific community unlimited as long as there is no commercial use for the software. Contact me and ask for anything you want and I'll try to provide them.


I am looking forward for lots of cooperation. 

I have found a BEM software in the site of the University of Stuttgart:

 If somebody wants the files (*.m) of MATLAB input, please contact me via email:

The BEM method has an inherent deficiency: it cannot handle nonlinear problems (in which the nonlinearity is existent in the interior of the computational domain, e.g. soils..)


George Papazafeiropoulos

Second Lieutenant, Ph.D. Candidate



 The BEM method has an inherent deficiency: it cannot handle nonlinear
problems (in which the nonlinearity is existent in the interior of the
computational domain, e.g. soils..)

You are right! However in soils there are some methods for nonlinearity problems.


as's picture

Well, this may lead to a boring discussion. However, I disagree. BEM is just fine for several non linear problems, it can only be a matter of efficiency: there are books and hundreds of papers of non linear BEM (wether geometrical or material non linearities). The method cannot handle problems for which Green's functions are not given.



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