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Professor Rosakis Receives the Commander Grade of the French Republic's Order of Academic Palms

Yonggang Huang's picture


Ares J. Rosakis,
Theodore von Karman Professor of Aeronautics and Professor of Mechanical
Engineering; Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, has been
selected to receive the Commandeur de l'Ordre
des Palmes Académiques
, which is the Commander grade of the French
Republic's Order of Academic Palms. Founded by Napoleon in 1808 to honor
educators and scholars, this distinction recognizes eminent personalities who
have made significant contributions to the development of French culture,
science, and education. It is currently awarded by the Prime Minister of

The Order of Academic Palms, was originally created to reward service to
French universities and academies. In 1955, Charles de Gaulle broadened the
mandate to include researching, teaching, and disseminating knowledge of the
French culture around the world. The Order comprises of three grades: Commandeur
(Commander — medallion worn on necklet), Officier (Officer — medallion worn on
ribbon with rosette on left breast), and Chevalier (Knight — medallion worn on
ribbon on left breast). It is one of the world’s oldest orders of chivalry,
still in existence, and in distinction the Order of Academic Palms comes right
after honors such as the Legion of Honor and the Order of the Liberation. Past
recipients of the Commandeur de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques include classical
greek scholar Jacqueline de
, Prince Albert II
of Monaco
, filmmaker Marcel Pagnol, and
mathematician Jean Frédéric
Auguste Delsarte


Dibakar Datta's picture

 Many many congratulations to Prof. Rosakis. It was wonderful talking to him at Brown at the Freund Symposium. 

Dibakar Datta
Homepage :
PhD Candidate ; Major : Solid Mechanics
Shenoy Research Group
Providence 02912 , USA

Zhigang Suo's picture

Dear Ares:  Congratulations on this recognition!  Thank you for your inspiration and leadership.

Jianliang Xiao's picture

Congratulations to Ares on this great honor!

L. Roy Xu's picture

Dear Ares,

Now you give your inspiration to more students, scholars and the public in the world.



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