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Summer School on Advanced Material Systems: Experimentation–Modeling–Commercialization, 4-11 July 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

Theocharis's picture

On behalf of the Center for Research and Development of Advanced Materials established by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, we would like to announce a summer school on Advanced Material Systems: Experimentation–Modeling–Commercialization. The summer school will be held from July 4–11, 2017 on the Aristotle University campus in Thessaloniki, Greece. 

The scope of this one-week summer school is to familiarize students with the state of the art in advanced materials production, testing, constitutive law modeling, micromechanics and homogenization methods and theory, and commercialization. 

The target audience for the AMS2017 Summer School is graduates and junior researchers (PhD students, postdocs). The idea is for each day to have a theoretical session in the morning, followed by hands-on materials testing and computer simulations in the afternoon. The industrial visit to Alumil-CFT and the full day training to BETA CAE Systems’ software packages will offer a unique experience to the participants. 

For further information and a full list of the instructors, you may visit:

Should you be interested in attending the summer school, we are looking forward to receiving your electronic application by June, 15. 

This summer school is a continuation of equivalent summer schools that were organized by “The International Institute for Multifunctional Materials for Energy Conversion” (IIMEC), an NSF-funded International Material Institute, established at Texas A&M University, in partnership with Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Houston and international research collaborators at Universities in North Africa, the Middle East, and Mediterranean countries. 

D. Lagoudas (Texas A&M University)
N. Michailidis (A.U.Th.)
Th. Baxevanis (University of Houston)
N. Charalambakis (A.U.Th.) 

Contact Information:
N. Michailidis (A.U.Th.):
K. Katakalos (A.U.Th.):



Mr Thet Hninn Khaine's picture

I want to use subroutine in cure and simulate residual stress.


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