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Mesh free methods - literature

ramdas chennamsetti's picture

Hi all!!

Where can I get literature on Mesh free methods (basics)?

I am suggested Dr. Liu's book.

Please suggest me some more good literature (some web sites, text books etc), assuming that I am zero in mesh free methods.

Thanking you.


Roozbeh Sanaei's picture


In the classical book,The finite element method, 6th edition by

O.C. Zienkeiwicz and R.L. Taylor

have a chapter who describes meshless method.

there are some peoples who research in this field in my lab.

N. Sukumar's picture

A search on iMechanica using `meshless' and/or `meshfree' will bring-up a few posts of interest (e.g., this one). A list of researchers (incomplete list though) who work in meshfree methods can be found here; you can access their paper/books through the links that are provided.

ramdas chennamsetti's picture

R. Chennamsetti, Scientist, India

Hi Dr. Sukumar & Dr.  Roozbeh Sanaei,

Thank you very much.

- R. Chennamsetti.


Gouse's picture

The Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) Method by Atluri and Shen and Mesh Free Methods by Belytschko (what's the actual name of the book?), these are some of the good books, and you can see some papers by Belytschko.

muhammad asif rajput's picture

i need a numerical solution of plane stress problem using mesh free method, can any body help me or send some solved examples.

k1suthar's picture

Just to add few more

You must a master this point.

1. Aluru, N.R. and G. Li, Finite cloud method: a true meshless technique based on a fixed reproducing kernel approximation. International Journal For Nnumerical Methos in Engineering, 2001. 50(10): p. 2373-2410.
2. Ohs, R.R., K. De Sudipto, and N.R. Aluru. Modeling of ionic hydrogel kinetics in buffered solutions. in 2001 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems - MSM 2001, Mar 19-21 2001. 2001. Cambridge, MA 02139, United States: Computational Publications.
3. Chatterjee, A.N., S.K. De, and N.R. Aluru. Electrically triggered hydrogels: Mathematical models and simulations. in 2003 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - Nanotech 2003, Feb 23-27 2003. 2003. Cambridge, MA 02139, United States: Computational Publications.
4. Schembri, P., D.L. Crane, and J.N. Reddy, A three-dimensional computational procedure for reproducing meshless methods and the finite element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2004. 61(6): p. 896-927.
5. Hua, L., T.Y. Ng, J.Q. Cheng, and K.Y. Lam, Hermite-Cloud: a novel true meshless method. Computational Mechanics, 2003. 33(1): p. 30-41.
6. Hua Li, J.C.K.Y.L., Multiphysical modeling and meshless simulation of electric-sensitive hydrogels. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2004. 42(8): p. 1514-1531.
7. Wang, Q., H. Li, and K. Lam, Meshless simulation of equilibrium swelling/deswelling of pH-sensitive hydrogels. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2006. 44(2).



Meshfree approximation methods with MATLAB, Volume 1 By Gregory E. Fasshauer




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