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Maximum-Entropy approximants Matlab routines

Marino Arroyo's picture

Dear iMechanica colleagues,

I would like to announce that Matlab routines implementing the maximum-entropy approximation schemes presented in

Marino Arroyo and Michael Ortiz, “Local maximum-entropy approximation schemes: a seamless bridge between finite elements and meshfree methods”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65:2167–2202 (2006).

can be downloaded from

This new approximation scheme from scattered data can be used in the style of meshfree shape functions for partial differential equations, as well as in function approximation in high dimensions. For a nice review on meshfree methods, see



bqtinh's picture

Dear Prof. Marino,

They are very interesting! Many thanks!

Best regards!




N. Sukumar's picture


Thanks for posting your Matlab routines; shall check them out. You might wan't to change the last link (since blogspot is not accessible to all) in your post to point to the local version

Adesola S. Ademiloye's picture

Sir, I will appreciate if you can send me the above matlab routine via email: as the link above is broken. Thank you in advance.

Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin's picture

Adesola S. Ademiloye's picture

Thank you @Dr Ortiz and Dr Yaw for your kind attention and assistance!

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