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The Haythornthwaite Foundation's Founder's Prize for Graduate Students.

Ravi-Chandar's picture

The Haythornthwaite Foundation's Founder's Prize Applications for the
annual award are due on October 1, 2011.  The Foundation supports
scientific research, primarily research in the field of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics.  The website, which has additional information,
including the entry rules, is at:

The American Academy of Mechanics is pleased to announce to doctoral candidates in the field of Mechanics up to two Founder Prizes and Grants to be awarded in autumn 2011, arranged by the Robert M. and Mary Haythornthwaite Foundation.

The Prize consists of a Certificate and check for $1,000 that will be presented at the annual meeting of the Academy, usually held in November. The Grant will be made to that same person through his/her Supervisor in two installments, $6,000 in autumn 2011 and up to $3,000 in early 2012, dependent on the size of the approved budget and receipt of a progress report.

The Prize(s) will be awarded competitively on receipt by the Foundation of essays of no more than one thousand words under the title "Progress through Mechanics" followed by an elective descriptive phrase. In view of the number of worthy entrants during the past few years, up to two Founder Prizes and two Grants will be awarded. The winning essay(s) will be published in the Academy's journal, mechanics. Letters of support are required from the entrant's thesis supervisor and also from either a Member or a Fellow of AAM. Contestants will be judged in part on publication history or prospects.

The award is open to those who, as of September 1, 2011, are registered as graduate students at a degree granting institution within the Americas, have completed at least one year of full-time graduate study at that institution, have been assigned a thesis advisor at the institution and have had a doctoral thesis topic emphasizing mechanics approved by the institution following candidacy or equivalent procedures. There are no restrictions with regard to citizenship, residency, race, religion or sex.

For futher information, see: Entry Rules

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