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Probabilistic multiconstraints optimization of cooling channels in ceramic matrix composites's picture


This paper presents a computational reliable optimization approach for internal cooling channels in Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) under thermal and mechanical loadings. The algorithm finds the optimal cooling capacity of all channels (which directly minimizes the amount of coolant needed). In the first step, available uncertainties in the constituent material properties, the applied mechanical load, the heat flux and the heat convection coefficient are considered. Using the Reliability Based Design Optimization (RBDO) approach, the probabilistic constraints ensure the failure due to excessive temperature and deflection will not happen. The deterministic constraints restrict the capacity of any arbitrary cooling channel between two extreme limits. A “series system” reliability concept is adopted as a union of mechanical and thermal failure subsets. Having the results of the first step for CMC with uniformly distributed carbon (C-) fibers, the algorithm presents the optimal layout for distribution of the C-fibers inside the ceramic matrix in order to enhance the target reliability of the component. A sequential approach and B-spline finite elements have overcome the cumbersome computational burden. Numerical results demonstrate that if the mechanical loading dominates the thermal loading, C-fibers distribution can play a considerable role towards increasing the reliability of the design.

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