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Why Google SCHOLAR will stop this oligopoly of publishers

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And read why Google Scholar will silently stop this crazyness


Vol: 74, Issue: 2, February 2008


pp. 273 - 294



Sources of Google Scholar citations outside the Science Citation Index: A comparison between four science disciplines

Kousha, Kayvanb, a; Thelwall, Mikeb, a

b. University of Tehran, Department of Library and Information Science, Jalal-Al-e-Ahmed Ave.
P.O. Box 11455/6456

a. University of Wolverhampton, School of Computing and Information Technology, Wolverhampton

Abstract (English):

practical reasons, bibliographic databases can only contain a subset of
the scientific literature. The ISI citation databases are designed to
cover the highest impact scientific research journals as well as a few
other sources chosen by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).
Google Scholar also contains citation information, but includes a less
quality controlled collection of publications from different types of
web documents. We define Google Scholar unique citations as those
retrieved by Google Scholar which are not in the ISI database. We took
a sample of 882 articles from 39 open access ISI-indexed journals in
2001 from biology, chemistry, physics and computing and classified the
type, language, publication year and accessibility of the Google
Scholar unique citing sources. The majority of Google Scholar unique
citations (70%) were from full-text sources and there were large
disciplinary differences between types of citing documents, suggesting
that a wide range of non-ISI citing sources, especially from
non-journal documents, are accessible by Google Scholar. This might be
considered to be an advantage of Google Scholar, since it could be
useful for citation tracking in a wider range of open access scholarly
documents and to give a broader type of citation impact. An important
corollary from our study is that Google Scholar’s wider coverage of
Open Access (OA) web documents is likely to give a boost to the impact
of OA research and the OA movement.


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