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8th International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials - Author Registration Deadline: 1 June

Don't forget! Accepted oral and poster presenters should register no later than 1 June 2010 to ensure that their material is included in the final program and the book of abstracts.  Non-registered presentations will be withdrawn from the conference after this date.  Please include your abstract reference number when completing your registration form.

Details of the oral programme for the 8th Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials conference are available at Invited speakers will include:

Alain Combescure, LaMCoS UMR CNRS 5259, France
Al Fatemi, University of Toledo, USA
Tom Meyer, USA
Tim Topper, University of Waterloo, Canada
John Yates, University of Sheffield, UK

The conference will take place in scenic Cape Cod at The Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis, Hyannis, Massachusetts from the 19 - 24 September 2010.

All interested parties are invited to take the opportunity to network in Hyannis with people of similar research interests at this informative and popular single-stream conference. 

Dan Lovegrove, Publisher, Elsevier, Oxford


Mike Ciavarella's picture

The very bizzare story of
the paper: FFEMS-4283 - A simplified "damage ...

Since the paper is still under review with the Editor of FFEMS (who is one of your invited speakers, by the way), I can produce the new developments, partly reported in imechanica site.

What do you think?  However, I hope the conference is not one of the $1000 fee ones, since travel plus accomodation plus conference fees would become impossibly expensive, like more than $3000 --- is there a webinar or web free transmittion for those who cannot attend?

It would be a great innovation for the fatigue community and the research community which is interested in these topics, but does not have 3000US$ to spend or the time to apply for VISA and all the rest...

Thanks for your attention


Michele Ciavarella, Politecnico di BARI - Italy, Rector's delegate.
Editor, Italian Science Debate,
Associate Editor, Ferrari Millechili Journal,

Mike Ciavarella's picture


US$745Conference Delegate


*Student rate applies for registered
undergraduate students and those studying full time towards a
post-graduate degree. This rate is not applicable to post doctoral
students or employed researchers. Student registrations must be
accompanied by a signed letter from your head of department attesting to
student status

The Registration Fee Includes

  • Access to the Conference Sessions and Poster
  • Welcome drinks reception on Sunday Evening
  • Conference dinner on Thursday,
    September 23 2010
  • Abstract book available at the conference and
    conference documentation
  • A copy of the conference special issue of International
    Journal of Fatigue
    to be available in 2011
  • Lunch and mid-session refreshments as
    scheduled in the Conference program



Michele Ciavarella, Politecnico di BARI - Italy, Rector's delegate.
Editor, Italian Science Debate,
Associate Editor, Ferrari Millechili Journal,

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