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phase field approach

PhD position(s) in modeling of the interaction between phase transformations and plasticity

PhD position(s) is available for Spring 2022 in the Engineering Mechanics program in Aerospace Engineering Department at Iowa State University to perform theoretical and computational part of work on NSF-funded projects on the interaction between phase transformations and plasticity. Phase-field, micromechanical, and macroscale simulations using FEM are of interest, in close collaboration with high-pressure experiments performed in our lab. Please send vita to Prof. Valery Levitas ( )

PhD position at University of Lorraine, France

Project title: Micromechanical modeling of geomaterials by considering the microstructural anisotropy 

Location: Nancy (France), Georessources Laboratory, University of Lorraine

Starting date and duration: September/October, 2018, 3 years

Candidates: First-class undergraduate and master degrees in mechanics, applied mathematics, civil engineering or other related disciplines. The candidates should be motivated by research in theoretical and numerical modeling and have a good background in mathematics, mechanics of materials, finite element method, etc. 

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