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Interface Fracture Mechanics

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Harmonic analysis with a crack?

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Hello everybody,

                          I am trying to perform a harmonic analysis of a material sample (say a simple 2D plate) with an edge crack in it using 'Ansys R16'. I see that under sinusoidal loading condition, the two crack faces open or close and interpenetrate (after closing which is not possible practically).

          1.  I believe, stiffnesses of the crack faces change during interpenetration and so the results are not credible anymore.

shreeram111's picture

Crack tip mesh size - Interface cracks ?

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Hello everybody,

                   I am working on FE Simulation of interface cracks. To this end, I use modified VCCT, CSDEM and other such methods to determine mesh independent strain energy release rate (G) and Mode mixity (ψ). Now I have a fundamental doubt.

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