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contact problem

Single fiber pull out modelling

I want to model a fiber rod pull out process in Abaqus. The fiber is a composite rod which is to be debonded first from the surrounding laminate and need to be sliding along the interface of the rod/laminate.


i created an axisymmetric model of the rod being surrounded by the laminate. i got the residual stress due to curing process. This residual stress is compressive at the interface which is responsible for resisting the pull out force applied at first.


Axial pull is applied at one end of the rod. and the other end being fixed.

Force is droped during indentation simulation at the step of indenter withdrawal

Dear All,

I have the following problem. I simulate an indentation in two steps. At first step the indenter penetrate to the material. At the second step it withdraws from it. The problem, at the second step force simply drops, although the behaviour of material is elasto-plastic.. What could be the reason? Incorrect boundary conditions, very soft behaviour of material??? Specialists, please help.


Best regards


Contact problem

Hello everybody,

I am simulating contact problem . Two sutfaces are in contact. One of them is anamytial surface. My slave surface doesn't deforms properly, master surface goes through my slave surface. Please help me with advice, which properties should i put for interaction?  What should be the reason of such mistake.


Best regards


BoJing Zhu's picture

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