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Soft Magneto-Active Composites

"Soft magnetoactive laminates: large deformations, transverse elastic waves and band gaps tunability by a magnetic field"  by  N. Karami Mohammadi et al (2019) has been published in November Special Issue in Journal of Applied Mechanics.

This paper is part of my group and co-author work on the topic of Soft Magneto-Active Composites:

Frontiers in Finite-Deformation Electromechanics - EUROMECH Colloquium 545 - 22-24 May 2013 - Dortmund, Germany

Dear colleagues, we would like to draw your attention to the conference on Frontiers in Finite Deformation Electromechanics organised as EUROMECH Colloquium 545 - in cooperation with the Institute of Mechanics, TU Dortmund University, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, and the Department of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical University.

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