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Mohammad Refatul Islam

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryRandom fiber networks with inclusions: The mechanism of reinforcement Mohammad Refatu...05 years 3 months ago
Blog entryParameters controlling the strength of stochastic fibrous materials Mohammad Refatu...05 years 5 months ago
Blog entryStochastic continuum model for mycelium-based bio-foam Mohammad Refatu...05 years 11 months ago
Blog entryMechanical behavior of mycelium-based particulate composites Mohammad Refatu...06 years 1 month ago
Blog entryEffect of Network Architecture on the Mechanical Behavior of Random Fiber Networks Mohammad Refatu...06 years 2 months ago
Blog entryMechanics of Mushroom as a material Mohammad Refatu...06 years 6 months ago
Blog entryJournal club for January 2018: Recent advances in liquid crystal elastomer Cai Shengqiang596 years 7 months ago
Blog entryPoisson Contraction and Fiber Kinematics in Tissue: Insight from Collagen Network Simulations Mohammad Refatu...06 years 10 months ago
Blog entryMicrostructure modeling of random composites with cylindrical inclusions having high volume fraction and broad aspect ratio distribution Mohammad Refatu...08 years 5 days ago
Blog entryRunning a Matlab job in batch mode on a research server Nan Hu210 years 4 months ago
Blog entrySimulation-based numerical optimization of arc welding process for reduced distortion in welded structures Mohammad Refatu...010 years 6 months ago
Need Help for modeling S-hook in Abaqus Mohammad Refatu...012 years 5 months ago

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