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Ductile Fracture Simulation



 I am simulating ductile fracture through uniaxial tensile test. The material is Aluminum Alloy. Dogbone specimen is simulated to get Equivalent Strain Vs Stress Triaxiality & Equivalent Strain Vs Lode Angle plots. The evolution of Stress Triaxiality & Lode Angle must be 1/3 & 1 respectively over time or with Equivalent Strain. I have marked few time history solid elements in the rupture zone of model. The problem is, Triaxiality and Lode Angle is different for different time history elements.

Contact Mechanics

I would like to have some text and material on contact mechanics.

Please help.

Post necking behavior (Steel)

I am simulating the tensile test of steel specimen to confirm that
resulting force displacement data matches with experiment. Since the
true stress true strain formulas are not valid beyond necking i have to
rely on actual neck measurements of flat sheet geometry. I have
identified swifts parameter also to use in the material model but some
how i am unable to match my results beyond necking. Any suggestions??

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