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Professor Zhigang Suo to Receive the William Prager Medal from SES

Ting Zhu's picture

Professor Zhigang Suo of Harvard University will receive the the William Prager Medal from the Society of Engineering Science  (SES). The award is made in recognition of his outstanding research contributions in Solid Mechanics. Professor Suo will receive his award during the 49th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science to be held at Georgia Institute of Technology from October 9-12, 2012.


Xi Chen's picture

Congratulations to Zhigang for receiving such a well-deserved honor (named after his great-grand-advisor)!

Congratulations, Zhigang! Well-deserved.



Kejie Zhao's picture

Wow, heartest congratulations to Zhigang!

Matt Pharr's picture

Congratulations to the boss!  Hopefully he will still talk to me occasionally despite his new status as a celebrity.

Jizhou Song's picture

Congratulations to Zhigang for the well deserved award!

Xuanhe Zhao's picture

My heartiest congratulations to Zhigang on this well-deserved award!

Bo Li's picture

My heartiest congratulations to Zhigang!


Bo Li
School of Mechanical Engineering
28 West Xianing Road
Xian Jiaotong University
Xian, Shaanxi, 710049

Zhigang Suo's picture

Thank you so much for your kindness. I'm deeply touched that fellow mechanicians think well enough of me and take the effort to nominate me for the award. What a great list of Prager Medalists! I'm humbled.

A while back Kyung-Suk Kim, in his usual way of telling unusual facts, pointed out that Hutchinson's students are linked--through Prager--to Gauss.  I quote again the conversation with Alan Needleman who was with Kyung-Suk and me and was also a student of Hutchinson.

“We are not disappointed in our ancestors,” I said.

“But they might be disappointed in us,” said Alan.

Dibakar Datta's picture

 Dear Prof. Suo,

Many many congratulations. My adviser always appreciates your work.

Dibakar Datta
Homepage :
PhD Candidate ; Major : Solid Mechanics
Shenoy Research Group
Providence 02912 , USA

Jianliang Xiao's picture

Congratulations to Zhigang!

ChangyongCao's picture

congratulations, Prof. Suo! and Happy Chinese New Year!

Jinxiong Zhou's picture

Congratulations to Zhigang for such a wonderful recognition!


Harsha Tirumala's picture

My hearty congratulations to Dr.Zhigang 

Congratulations to Prof. Suo!

Li Han's picture

Great honor well deserved. Congratulations!

Li Han

Congratulations Professor! 加油!

Yanfei Gao's picture

So Zhigang said, "We are not disappointed in our ancestors." Then Alan replied, "But they might be disappointed in us." 

Added here by Yanfei, "I'm highly proud of my immediate ancestor!"

I hope that your successors will also get the prize.

-- Biswajit

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