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New Applications of Small-Scale Mechanical Testing: Half Day Tutorial at TMS 2013 Annual Meeting in San Antonio

Dan Gianola's picture

Half-day Tutorial at 2013 TMS in San Antonio
New Applications of Small-Scale Mechanical Testing 

The tutorial will start at 1pm Sunday, March 3rd and will discuss topics including:


Nanoindentation Techniques

Fatigue of thin films 

Testing at Elevated Temperatures 

Chemical and Environmental Effects  


Lectures will be given by leading experts in their fields. This is the perfect opportunity to learn first-hand cutting edge mechanical testing and is ideal to PhDs, Post-docs and those looking to learn new techniques.  Early registration fees apply through Feb. 1st.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity!


For more information:


Amit Pandey's picture

Thanks Dan

Will try to attend it



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