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How to use mohr-coulomb criterion to simulate the indentation of BMGs in ABAQUS?

KevinGE's picture

I encounter a big challenge now.

I wanna use mohr-coulomb criterion to simulate the indentation of BMGs in ABAQUS.However, there are many parameters confusing me.

We know the  mohr-coulomb can be written as:


where τc is the shear stress on the slip plane at yielding, k0 and α are constans and σn is the stress component in the direciton normal to the slip plane.

 However, when I set the parameters in ABAQAUS, I am confused. In the following pictures, I don't know wha's the real meaning of dialation angle, so I can't fill the table. I don't know what's the real meaning of cohesion yield stress, neither. Does that have the special relation with k0 or yielding stress?

Who can tell me?

I need your help, please!



What are BMGs ?

The Abaqus Theory Manual describes the meanings of those parameters in detail.  You can find a version of the manul at

You can also find more information on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion at

The dilation angle is the angle made by the yield surface in the rendulic plane at high values of pressure.  The initial cohesion yield stress is the value of the cohesion parameter at zero plastic strain.  The exact meanings of these parameters with diagrams ( in the context of the Abaqus implementation ) can be found in the Abaqus Theory Manual.

-- Biswajit 

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