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constitutive equations

jsegurado's picture

PhD and Postdoct positions in Crystal Plasticity, IMDEA-Materials Institute

Searching for PhD (thesis) candidate and Postdoctoral research associate, to work in Multiscale Materials Modeling, with special emphasis in crystal plasticity modelling with the finite element method.

brunda's picture

Hypoelastic materials: constitutive equations in rate form


I want to derive the rate form of the consitutive relation for hypoelastic material:

Jaumann stress rate=L:D

where L is a fourth order modulus tensor and D is the rate of deformation. 

Most papers that I have seen begin with this expression. But I would like to know how to arrive at this equation.


Any suggestion?




Job Opportunity at Bridgestone Americas

There is an open position in the Advanced Tire Technology department in Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations ( Please see the attached flyer for details and send resume, if interested, to

Gregory M. Odegard's picture

Newsletter for the ASME Committee on Constitutive Equations - Spring 2010

Mechanics community,

Please find attached the spring 2010 edition of the ASME Committee on Constitutive Equations Newsletter. Included in the newsletter are short articles on "Constitutive Modeling of Skeletal Muscle Tissue" and "Nonlocal Modeling of Materials".


Greg Odegard

Gregory M. Odegard's picture

Newsletter for the ASME Committee on Constitutive Equations - Summer 2008

Mechanics community,

Please find attached the summer 2008 edition of the ASME Committee on Constitutive Equations Newsletter.  Included in the newletter is an article written by Prof. Ostoja-Starzewski on "Homogenization and Size of Representative Volume Element (RVE)".



Greg Odegard

ErwanVerron's picture

Comparison of hyperelastic models for rubberlike materials

Dear all,

Infinity asked me for posting more information about one of our papers. It was published in 2006 in Rubber Chemistry and Technology and proposes a comparison and a ranking of 20 different hyperelastic constitutive models for rubber (from the Mooney model (1940) to the micro-sphere model (2004)) in the incompressible case.

Marckmann G. et Verron E., Comparison of hyperelastic models for rubberlike materials, Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 79(5), 835-858, 2006.

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