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failure Mechanics

Szyniszewski Stefan's picture

PhD Studentship in Computational Mechanics of Porous Metallic Materials

We are offering the PhD studentship at the
University of Surrey, and we are looking for enthusiastic and self-motivated candidates.

This project focuses on applications of metallic foams where structural functionality is combined with energy absorption, damping, heat insulation, and noise silencing.

parthchoksi's picture

Modelling of fiber failure in Abaqus

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Fiber Modelling of fiber failure in Abaqus ABAQUS, Fiber failure, failure criteria , Fiber Composite  , composite I am presently working on modelling of fiber failure inof a composite lamina on ABAQUS. After researching a lot, Even after researching a lot, I haven't been able to find a damage criteria which  can depict natural failure in of a fiber. I do not want to induce a crack in it and break it or put in a cohesive layer. I want to break it as it breaks naturally. 


Hi all,

     Can anyone give a description on the diffrence of ALE in ABAQUS and LSDYNA? And also the difference between r-adaptivity and ALE in ABAQUS. It seems ALE in ABAQUS means the same with r-adaptivity in LSDYNA while “ALE” means diffrently in the two codes.

      Thanks a lot!

Dean Eastbury's picture

Program available for 3rd IC Engineering Failure Analysis

The full program for the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis is available at Join your peers and take advantage of the 15% "early bird" discount by registering for this popular and well-received single stream meeting before 30 April. The conference takes place July 13-16 in the beautiful coastal town of Sitges, just a few miles from Barcelona's international airport. 

L. Roy Xu's picture

Openings for New Ph.D. Students on Composite Materials and Failure Mechanics at Vanderbilt University, USA

New students may start from January 2008 if the graduate students have previous research experience in solid mechanics (e.g., nano/micro-mechanics, computational mechanics) or material engineering (MD simulation, mechanical behaviors). Students will have the opportunities to conduct balanced experimental and computational work on the durabilty and impact failure of marine composite materials; failure and material designs of nanocomposite materials; or rehabilitation of infrastructure materials using composites and other materials.  An MS degree is required.

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