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vacancies for postdoctoral researchers in computational mechanics of materials

The computational mechanics of materials group at the University of Padua, Italy, is searching for three postdocs to conduct research in the area of multiscale materials modeling. The research work aims at building a model to study contact friction and lubrication of metal rough surfaces. The project is funded by the European community (ERC grant).

Candidates should have experience with programming and be familiar with one or more modeling techniques. Preference will go to applicants with experience in dislocation dynamics or molecular dynamics simulations.

Open Postdoc Positions

There are two opening postdoc positions in mechanics at Northwestern University. Background in either
mesoscale numerical simulations or electron microscopy is preferred. Please contact Jianmin Qu at

ktramesh's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Fragmentation

We have one postdoctoral position, available in October 2009, in the general
area of fragmentation and dynamic failure. The specific interest is in the timescales and lengthscales associated with the interactions of failure modes in materials. A background in modeling and simulation is essential, while some experience with shock physics is desirable. The successful candidate will become part of a highly collegial and diverse research group with activities in nanomaterials, planetary science and biomechanics. The work involves collaborative research with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, and US citizenship is required. If you are

ktramesh's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Mesoscale Mechanics

I have one postdoctoral position, available immediately, in the general area of mesoscale modeling. The specific interest is in the development of computationally tractable models that incorporate the appropriate lengthscales and that can be used for microstructural design. The work is in conjunction with research groups involved in the development of materials for impact applications. Examples of topics of interest include the processes of dynamic failure in specific microstructures, and the development of physics-based models that account for grain size, grain size distribution, grain rotation and texture. If you are interested, please send me (
your CV and the names of at least two references. Women and minorities

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Computational Nanomechanics at the University of Pittsburgh

A postdoctoral research fellow position is currently open in the Computational Nanomechanics group at the University of Pittsburgh for the following research projects in the multidisciplinary areas of computational nanomechanics, nanotechnology, renewable energy, and nanomedicine: 

  1. Hydrogen and bio-sensing nanowire fabrication

Postdoctoral and PhD Research Positions in Computational Nanomechanics at the University of Pittsburgh

Several postdoctoral and PhD research positions are currently open in the Advanced Computational Technology (ACT) group at the University of Pittsburgh for the following research projects in the multidisciplinary areas of computational nanomechanics, bio-nanotechnology, renewable energy, and nanomedicine:

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