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time step

Maximum Time Step Problems in ABAQUS


 I hape a relatively simple question. I am trying to set a maxmimum time step for a job by the lines:

*Static, allsdtol=0, continue=NO

0.05, 1., 1e-25, 0.05


so I believe the maximum time step should be 0.05 giving me a minimum of 20 increments in the step in total. However the STA file below shows that the job starts at 0.05 and the appears to ignore the maximum time step command. Can anyone tell me why this occurs?

 Abaqus/Standard 6.10-2                  DATE 08-Jan-2013 TIME 14:29:13


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I am a novice ABAQUS user.  I've found out that I'm more comfortable using ABAQUS/Standard than the CAE version. The GUI is installled on a central server, thus it is slow, doesn't render images very well and keeps on crashing. I have some questions, which I guess are pretty straight forward for advanced users:

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