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yield strength

Yong Zhu's picture

Size effects on elasticity, yielding, and fracture of silver nanowires

This paper reports the quantitative measurement of a full spectrum of mechanical properties of fivefold twinned silver (Ag) nanowires (NWs), including Young’s modulus, yield strength, and ultimate tensile strength. In-situ tensile testing of Ag NWs with diameters between 34 and 130 nm was carried out inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Young’s modulus, yield strength, and ultimate tensile strength all increased as the NW diameter decreased.

Designing copper–zirconium based nanowires for improving yield strength and plasticity via configuring surface atoms

Following our previous work on Cu-Zr nanowire system, in this paper we have shown improvement in various thermo-mechanical properties of nanowire via manipulating the surface atoms. The paper titled "Designing copper–zirconium based nanowires for improving yield strength and plasticity via configuring surface atoms" by Vijay Kumar Sutrakarand D Roy Mahapatra has been published in Journal of Nanoparticle Research. The paper can be downloaded from

cast iron + aluminium

Does anyone know where i can find the following?

-yield and ultimate tensile strength of cast iron and aluminium as a function of temperature

-fracture energy as a function of temperature for both metals

 *the fracture energy i am referring to is for damage modelling in XFEM



Weixu Zhang's picture

Effect of surface energy on the yield strength of nanoporous materials

This is a very rough manuscript but including the original material we used. Any criticism or suggestion is welcome. The only aim of this letter is to reflect the multi-effect of surface energy on material or structure in nanosize scale. Here we report the effect of surface energy on the yield strength of nanoporous materials. The conventional micromechanics method is extended to consider the surface effect and expression of effective yield surface of nanoporous materials in complex stress state is derived.

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