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Jobs (x2): Post-doc+Programmer - Rhino Plugin implementation for Isogeometric BEM or/and Isogeometric FEM

We are looking for a C++ or CSharp Programmer and a post-doctoral fellow to couple our in-house Isogeometric BEM/FEM and Collocation approach to Rhino3D. Funding is available for 12 months of post-doc as well as programming time for a GUI and interfacing with Rhino3D. Freelance programmers are welcome to apply. Knowledge of elasticity, linear algebra and BEM acceleration are a plus. 

Contact me for more information including your IGA experience, BEM/FEM experience and background in mechanics. 

Best wishes!


CAD-Analysis Isogeometric Analysis Post-doc and Software Developer sought to develop a CAD-Analysis simulation prototype Proof of Concept FNR

The in Luxembourg

1) a post-doctoral fellow for 18 months (very competitive salary) to develop accelerated IGAFEM IGABEM and GIFT technology

2) a C++ software developer for 19 months (very competitive salary) to develop a user interface and accelerate the code

The candidates should

1) have some knowledge of IGA, isogeometric analysis or geometry independent field approximation

2) have excellent C++ coding skills

Post-doctoral fellow in Chile's Legato Team

Possibilities for postdoctoral fellowships in Computational Mechanics with Elena Atroshchenko in collaboration within the Legato Team

Please apply here:

If you need information, please contact Elena Atroshchenko <>

phunguyen's picture

Isogeometric Analysis (IGA)

The aim of this post is to give a brief introduction to the recently emerged isogeometric analysis (IGA) which was presented in the seminal paper " Hughes, T.J.R.; J.A. Cottrell, Y. Bazilevs (2005). "Isogeometric analysis: CAD, finite elements, NURBS,exact geometry and mesh refinement". Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. (Elsevier) 194: 4135–4195." IGA refers to a computational framework in which the basis functions used to represent the geometry in CAD are used for approximating the unknown fields in FEA. In this regard, IGA also employs the well known isoparametric concept.

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