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Hector Fellow Academy's picture

Announcement for the Hector Research Career Development Award for Junior Scientists

Apply now for the Hector Research Career Development (RCD) Award! With the Hector RCD Award, the Hector Fellow Academy supports the research careers of promising research group leaders. The Award gives you the unique opportunity to benefit from research funding for an outstanding research project. In addition, you will become part of a network of top scientists including the laureates of the Hector Science Award. The Hector Fellow Academy is committed to top interdisciplinary research, innovative projects, dialogue between science and society and the promotion of young researchers.

Julian J. Rimoli's picture

Common questions about developing educational apps

This afternoon, I had an extremely pleasant Google hangout with Daniel Suo, and Professors Zhigang Suo and Teng Li . Our main focus was on brainstorming ideas on how to improve the user experience on iMechanica. After an hour or so our conversation drifted towards educational topics including novel ways of incorporating technology in STEM education.

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