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Adrian S. J. Koh's blog

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Position Open at NUS (Singapore): Research Fellow

One Research Fellow (Post-doc) position is open at the National University of Singapore.

If hired, you will work at Soft Materials Lab @ Advanced Robotics Centre (ARC), which I head.

Job Desription: Conduct research on biomechanics of the human motion, and how to effectively harvest energy from these motions using a soft and stretchable generator.  You are expected to perform both theoretical and experimental investigation, produce research papers and perhaps, file patents.

Adrian S. J. Koh's picture

One Research Fellow (Post-Doctoral) Position open in Singapore

We are looking for a highly-motivated research
fellow to work in the area of applied mechanics and materials.

The project is on energy harvesting using soft active materials. This is a joint effort between the Institute of High Performance Computing (A*STAR), and the National
University of Singapore.  The applicant
must hold a PhD degree, prior post-doctoral experience is not required. Relevant
experience in (1) experiments and/or (2) finite element modeling and simulation
is preferred.

Adrian S. J. Koh's picture

23rd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (Singapore, Oct 2 - 5, 2013)

Dear Colleagues, Co-Workers and Friends,

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the 23rd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM23) will take place in Singapore, Oct 2-5, 2013.

Adrian S. J. Koh's picture

Journal Club Theme of August 2011: Energy Harvesting Using Soft Materials

Energy harvesting is the process of converting energy that will otherwise be dissipated into the ambient environment, into useful energy to do work.  I shall focus this discussion on motion-based energy harvesting.  Motion-based energy harvesting is the process of converting dissipated mechanical energy into electrical energy.  Sources of mechanical energy include the ocean waves, wind, human motion, vehicular traffic, and vibrations in buildings and bridges.  This source of energy is ubiquitous and pervasive, and yet, it is one of the least developed energy harvesting technology.

Adrian S. J. Koh's picture

Maximal energy that can be converted by a Dielectric Elastomer Generator

Mechanical energy can be converted to electrical energy by using a dielectric elastomer generator.  The elastomer is susceptible to various modes of failure, including electrical breakdown, electromechanical instability, loss of tension, and rupture by stretch.  The modes of failure define a cycle of maximal energy that can be converted.  This cycle is represented on planes of work-conjugate coordinates, and may be used to guide the design of practical cycles.

Adrian S. J. Koh's picture

Size & Strain Rate MD Study on Metallic Nanowires

Thank you for your interest shown in my previously posted work.  Here's a post-print for an article of an extension to my previous work.  Extension in the sense that the MD simulation was performed on "larger" metallic nanowires (2.0 nm to 6.0 nm), and the behavior of gold (Au) nanowires were studied.  The mechanism behind strain-induced amorphization was explained and the phenomenon of multiple necking was observed, implying the presence of "localized" amorphization instead of a "globalized" one observed in shorter nanowires.

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