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software of interest to mechanicians

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Hung Nguyen Huu's picture


Can you help me

Iam studying ansys

for model facture mechanic

cdeng's picture

Software to generate x-ray diffraction pattern

Hello all,

 Does anyone know any software that can generate x-ray diffraction pattern for polymer? I used to have Cerius2 which can do the job very well, but unfortunately the license expired some months ago and I am looking for some alternative software that can do similar job. Right now I have all the structures saved in .msi format. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks a lot!


Chuang Deng 

Anand V Kulkarni's picture

EFG programming

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 Prof Dolbow/Prof N. Sukumar/Someone working in this field  

While I was going  through your(Prof. Dolbow's) EFG program using MATLAB for 2D problem, I could not understand why classical anlytical equations for displacement were used in taking care of displacement boundary conditions(step no.11, forming q vector and G matrix).I feel that there is something wrong here. We resort to computational methods when analytical solutions are not available.What shall we do in such situations?Others may also help me to understand this.


H.Ghadbeigi's picture

Abaqus ALE

Hi every body,

i am trying to use Abaqus/Explicit to simulate a sharp penetration using ALE formulation included in Ver. 6.6, but what ever i do the remeshing module doesn't work. if any body has any information and experience about this kind of simulation i would be pleased to use it as a guid in my analysis.

Best regards


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Offshore software development division of Shriv ComMedia Solutions Pvt.
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AGM Build

AGM Build Molecular builder and
conformational editor. GPL Free.

Molecular builder and conformational editor.


Simpleware signs up Vangest Group as their reseller in Portugal and Spain

Simpleware Ltd., the world leader in image-based meshing software, has signed a reseller agreement with Vangest Group, a provider of most advanced solutions in project, development and manufacturing.

utpalborah's picture

LsDyna - How to use Strain rate and temperature dependant Flow Stress data in tabular form?

Dear friends,

 I am new to this this forum. I salute the founders, administrators and content providers of imechanica for putting up such a useful forum. I work on finite element anaylsis of large deformation and contact problems, in particular metal forming and tribology.

m_meisam's picture

Need Help

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How can I model the Blast Load with ABAQUS ?

Mimics 11 released!

June 14, 2007, Materialise released a new and improved version
of its image processing software Mimics. It will again raise the bar in image
processing and editing based on stacked data such as CT and MRI. Continuous
development and support have resulted in the release of Mimics 11.

Mimics 11 Out Now!

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Using LSDYNA to model Fluid Structure Interaction

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Hi all

I want to use LSDYNA to model a detonation process involving fluid structure interaction. A solid structure is embeded in a viscous fluid media. Due to symmetry of the model, a quarter of the model is analysed. So my question is 

1) How to model the symmetric condition in the Euler element domain? since the Euler meshes is fixed, it seems applying constraint on the nodes in the symmetric plane is meaningless.

2) How to model the infinite boudanry condition in the free surface of the fluid Euler domain?




use ABAQUS/CAE in Laser Forming


 I am a new user here, and I have two problems to use ABAQUS/CAE,

the first problem, I need some tutorials or helps to simulate a coupled temperature-displacement in ABAQUS/CAE !!

 the second is the major problem, my project is in Laser Forming and I want use ABAQUS/CAE in this domain?

thank you in advance for your assistance


phamhuytuan's picture

Superplastic Forming (SPF) analysis with Abaqus

Hello world!

I’ve been working with SPF analysis
recently. I followed the Abaqus example to solve my problem. But the result for
my pressure cycle isn’t as expected. It should have increased step by step from
the initial stage as in the real process. If it is possible, I will thank any
suggestions from whom related to this kind of simulation.

SudhirBrahmandam's picture


I recently came across this free software - OOF2 on the nist website: I was basically looking for analyzing the effect of microstructure on the stresses in coatings, and a friend of mine mentioned this software. Since it works only on Unix or Linux (and Mac) I have not been able to install it on my PC...Have a Mac on which i will try it out soon. Will post my experience when I start using it. In the meantime wanted to know what kind of problems others tackle using this software.

Frontal solver

Is there an open source frontal solver in Fortran?

Open Source Software

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  • RSS feed for comments on this page: crss/node/1394
  • This page was started following discussions initiated by Mogadalai Gururajan.
         Here are some links to open source codes/software available on the net; all this information is collected from different posts at iMechanica. It is quite possible that we missed some, and some that are listed are not open source. If so, please feel free to edit the post or leave a comment with relevant links so that we can edit the post.
Mogadalai Gururajan's picture

Open source codes for microstructural evolution

Modelling and simulation is sometimes said to be the third way of doing science, the first two being theory and experiment; see this essay in Science for example:

Converting 3d images into numerical models

Simpleware provides world leading software and services for the fast and easy conversion of 3D images into high quality models used for:

What is the status of open source finite element code?

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FEMs are widely used in education, research, and industries. What is the prospect of having a vibrant community to evolve an open-source finite element code? What are the potential benefits for such a community and code? Has anybody tried?

Presumably whoever active in this effort may find support from government funding agencies and industries.


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