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Multiple Faculty Positions in the College of Engineering at UW-Madison

The College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks faculty candidates for up to four tenure-track faculty positions in the mechanics of solids and soft materials. Candidates excelling in experiments, theory, computational modeling, or any combination of these approaches are sought. Particular application areas of interest include (but are not limited to) cellular and tissue biomechanics, additive manufacturing, microelectronics, energy production/storage, and response of infrastructure to man-made and natural hazards. 

New hires will have a tenure home with an appropriate academic department within the College of Engineering, and will join an integrated group of faculty working on solid mechanics research in mechanical engineering, engineering physics, biomedical engineering, materials science and civil & environmental engineering. They will be expected to maintain a world-class extramurally funded graduate research program on technological problems that are relevant to the needs of the profession and of society. They will also teach courses and contribute to the education and professional development of undergraduate and graduate students, and engage in department, college, university, community and professional service activities as appropriate. 

Further details about the posting can be found here

Questions about the position can be directed to:

The Mechanics Search Committee (

1513 University Avenue. Room 3107, Madison, WI 53706-1572 

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