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Lecture notes of interest to mechanicians

Notes to everyone:

  • If you find helpful lecture notes online, please leave a comment below.  iMechanica moderators will examine your suggestion and add to this page.
  • RSS feed to all comments on this page:  crss/node/1551

Introductory Mechanics of Materials/Material Behavior

Continuum Mechanics






Fracture Mechanics

Elastic waves


Evolving structures


Soft Materials

Thin Films and Layered Materials

Composites and Metamaterials

Shape Memory Materials

Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Computational Physics/Mechanics

  • Computational Physics, R. J. Gonsalves, SUNY Buffalo (the earliest notes are at the bottom of the page).
  • Computational Physics, Franz J. Vesely, University of Vienna (the jsmath version works - may need installation of new fonts).

Finite Elements

Mathematics for Mechanics 

Classical Physics

Quantum Mechanics/Chemistry

Other Lecture Note Collections

Other  E-book Collections



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The energy future of the world depends strongly upon sustainable use and findind alternative sources.  David McKay from Cambridge University has written a highly readable book called Sustainable Energy - Without The Hot Air on the issues involved and what we can do about it.

Check out the book and a commentary on it at Stoat

Temesgen Markos's picture

The following is a series of FEA courses @ the University of Boulder, Colorado. I have read some of them and the look nice.

Introductory FEM

Advanced FEM

Nonlinear FEM

For those interested in Mesh generation

The tensor analysis notes from Rebecca Brannon are fine, provided you have the time to read through all the volumes. The following notes from Bashkir state univerisity (Russia) can be used for a short yet very general coverage of tensors. Much of the lesson is in the excercises.

The MIT open courseware website provides links to a lot of lecture notes and videos of some courses. The 'world lecture hall' is a similar service hosted at UT Austin.

The following page has links to a collection of notes on applied/engineering mechanics

An e-library for math and mathematical physics (quite comprehensive)



1. Brown University

H. Gao and A. F. Bower
EN175: Advanced Mechanics of Solids

A. F. Bower
EN222: Mechanics of Solids II

EN224: Linear Elasticity

2. M V Vable at MichiganTech
See the section "Educational Material" for the following three links

Introductory course of Mechanics of Materials

Intermediate Mechanics of Materials

Introduction to Finite Element Method

May be more, later...


Kip S. Thorne, CalTech
PH 136: Applications of Classical Physics (It has a section on elasticity. Also, do check out the "concept-based outline of the book"): 



R. J. Gonsalves, SUNY at Buffalo
PHY 410-505 Computational Physics I

Franz Vesely, Univ. of Vienna
Introduction to Computational Physics

May be more, later...

Ronald Peters's picture


Possible seo jung for mechanics?

I have updated the  links to Rebecca Brannon's notes to reflect their new locations.  The link to my notes on Elasticity have also been updated.  Following Eric' s lead on wiki based content, I've converted the content of my course into wiki form.   The new location is in Wikiversity at .

There are many gaps in my notes that need to be filled.  I felt that moving them to Wikiversity would make these notes more widely available and more useful.  Please go to the wiki page and add content to the links marked in red.  Also feel free to add, modify and clarify the content.  

As the Fall semeste/quarter comes up, it will be particularly useful if a few of the students on iMechanica were to  add content to Wikiversity based on what you have learned in your courses. 

I am particularly interested in where the wiki idea leads us and whether online learning is possible.   I would love to see students come up with lesson plans for the Elasticity course that can take the content and break it up into digestible bits.  I would also like to see students suggest assignments that are appropriate for a beginner.

See you at Wikiversity

Anyone who finds my course notes on computational solid mechanics useful is welcome to download them.

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Thank you


Anyone who finds my course notes on computational solid mechanics useful is welcome to download them.

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Look up this site for many notes/textbooks  on different topics in mechanics and non mechanics too.

H wang

Anyone who finds my course notes on computational solid mechanics useful is welcome to download them. 



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Temesgen Markos's picture

We have been posting lecture notes and other material from the internet here, but the have been freely available ones.

Sharing copyrighted ones is illegal and will also spoil the reputation of this forum. Okay I know there are thousands of other ways to get them online and we won't be helping the copyright holders much by refraining from doing it here. But still let us keep this forum professional and ethical.

This is the second time(including the comment just above) that I came across such a thing in imechanica and felt like speaking against it before it becomes a trend.

Mind you some of the authors of those pirated materials are the same people we are trying to convince into participating in this forum.


Thanks, Temesgen, for alerting.

I first downloaded a couple of notes which seemed OK.  But then, I also noticed Broek's book, and so began suspecting. After your clarification, I have deleted the book from my disk now.

And, of course, I second your general appeal too.

Are there recommendated books/lecture notes about fatigue mechanics, and damage mechanics, wear and corrosion available?


S. M. Blinder, University of Michigan


Leon van Dommelen, Florida State University

Fundamental Quantum Mechanics for Engineers

I do not necessarily agree with everything in these notes. In particular, I have been developing a *local* theory of quantum physics whereas what these notes give is the standard or mainstream view, and the latter is invaribly global in nature. (My work has, in a sense, just begun.) However, within the mainstream view, I do find that the above notes are the most simply, most straight-forwardly, or otherwise most helpfully written.

Both these sets are easily accessible to the non-physics majoring students, e.g., students of engineering. The first set comes from a chemist but is very easily accessible to the UG student of engineering. The second set is, in fact, written by a mechanical engineer--a CFD expert--himself. It's written for the advanced undergraduate or the beginning graduate student of mechanical engineering.

May be more, later!


can I get access to som lecture notes on meshfree analysis and its programming in matlab.

jeetender singh kushawaha


can I get access to som lecture notes on meshfree analysis and its programming in matlab.

jeetender singh kushawaha

Are there recommendated books/lecture notes about fatigue mechanics, and damage mechanics, wear and corrosion available?

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Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin's picture

Jeetender singh kushawaha,

There is a book that might be useful for you:

Meshfree Approximation Methods with MATLAB


Alejandro A. Ortiz

i want to have fortran codes of newmark time approximation please help me.

Jung W. Hong's picture

Dear Zhigang,

I would like to recommend an online course material (Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids).
This course was taught by Professor Bathe at MIT and now is available freely through MIT Open CourseWare website:

Thank you.

Best regards,
Jung W. Hong


Zhigang Suo's picture

Dear Jung:  This couse is now added to the post.  Thank you. 

 This course page is not found in ocw. Can u pleese tell me where I can find those lectures.




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Anyone who finds my course notes on computational solid mechanics useful is welcome to download them.   They're at:



Anyone who finds my course notes on computational solid mechanics useful is welcome to download them.   




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Prashant Saxena's picture

These are a number of research papers and textbooks by Prof. W. Noll. I suppose they definitely deserve to be here.


Prashant Saxena

Jung W. Hong's picture

Dear Zhigang,

The link to the "Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids< on this page is not working any more.
In fact, the course has two parts, and both are available now.
Could you please update the links?

Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids I

Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids II

Thank you very much.


Best regards,

Jung W. Hong 


Jung-Wuk Hong, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Michigan State University

3567 Engineering Building

East Lansing, MI 48824

Jung W. Hong's picture

Two video courses of "Finite Element Procedures for Solids and Structures" are available in MIT Open CourseWare. Both courses were taught by Professor K.J. Bathe at MIT. The first course covers linear analysis, and the second course is for nonlinear analysis.

The link is:

Jung W. Hong

Jung-Wuk Hong, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Michigan State University
3567 Engineering Building
East Lansing, MI 48824


 I am looking for lectures notes or videos for "Programming in Finite element method " ..

 also in "aerospace structures" 

thanks in advance

Sorry the response is 5 years late!  

I recommend the following book:

K. Ramesh's picture

Prof. K. Ramesh IIT Madras, India


Anyone who finds my course notes on computational solid mechanics useful is welcome to download them.   





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K. Ramesh's picture

I have given 41 hrs of lecture  on Experimental Stress Analysis as a Video course Under the auspices of NPTEL. The course is available free to download from the following site

Link for the lecture

To simplify navigation of the course a pdf file is created which provides the course content with relavant links for each of the lectures.

Link for the file to download the Video course content plus links.

This may be of interest to some.

Prof. K. Ramesh IIT Madras, India

Dear iMechanica moderators,

I just recently wrote a post on a set of lectures notes and accompanying code on micromechanics and homogenization.  But I now noticed the note at the top of this page and wanted to give a link to the post here for your examination.  The lecture material is presently on an external website.  I would be happy to upload the material on this website if the content is found helpful.

Best regards,


Are there recommendated books/lecture notes about fatigue mechanics, and damage mechanics, wear and corrosion available?  

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Are there recommendated books/lecture notes about fatigue mechanics, and damage mechanics, wear and corrosion available?  maklon kosmetik



Are there recommendated books/lecture notes about fatigue mechanics, and damage mechanics, wear and corrosion available? Kursus Online Belanja di elevenia gratis voucher 1 juta Hosting murah Belajar Reiki Cipto Junaedy 




Can anyone specify good books on Dynamics of structures and hydrodynamics?





Best regards  

Dr. Shiva M Pingle

PhD in Mechanical Engineering


Thank you. i want to know this too.

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Shiva Rudraraju's picture

As part of Open.Michigan, Continuum Physics and Finite Element Method lectures offered by Prof. Krishna Garikipati are now available online on youtube and   Lectures on Continuum Physics:  Introduction to Finite Element Methods:  

farzad64's picture

Any Lecture or something about periodic boundary conditions please ? I am in urgent need of it

Any Lecture or something about periodic boundary conditions please ? I am in urgent need of it


cipto junaedy

Dear lina,

You can find some detailes about the periodic boundary conditions physical interpretation and numerical implementation and also the basic of micro-mechanics and multiscale modeling in the Dr. Varvara Gennadyevna Kouznetsova Ph.D dissertation using the following link:



  Can anyone specify good books on Dynamics of structures and hydrodynamics?


Smartphone Thanks.  

while calculating shear stresses in beams,what is the meaning of average shear stree?

Anyone who finds my course notes on computational solid mechanics useful is welcome to download them.

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Please advice me the recommended books about Reverse Osmosis Technology.

Olus Pillow

Thank you

Are there recommendated books/lecture notes about fatigue mechanics, and damage mechanics, wear and corrosion available?  


Cipto Junaedy


Are there any lecture notes or course material for introduction to computational mechanics of materials (for civil engineering)


aref prs's picture

Dear Colleagues,

Are there any lecture notes on non-classical continuum mechanics available?

especially on :

1- continuum mixture mechanics

2- higher-order continuum mechanics

3- higher-grade continuum mechanics 

3-(strongly) non-local continuum mechanics?


kind regards


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