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Francesco Dal Corso's picture

International Master Program MS2 [15 scholarships available!! Deadline March 15, 2025]

The International Master Program MS2 - Mechanics of Sustainable Materials and Structures, offered through joint training activities at TU Dortmund University (Germany), at the University of Trento (Italy) and at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France),
has been awarded an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master funding! 

June 9-13, 2025 CISM Advanced Course on "Crack Initiation and Failure in Complex Structures: Finite Fracture Mechanics and related fracture models"

Advanced Course on "Crack Initiation and Failure in Complex Structures: Finite Fracture Mechanics and related fracture models"

The advanced CISM Course will be organized in Udine, Italy, on June 9-13, 2025



Rui Huang's picture

CISM Advanced Courses on Wrinkling

Wrinkling - Theoretical Foundation, Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modeling

This course is aimed at graduate students, PhD candidates, and postdoctoral researchers in electronics/biomedical/mechanical/civil engineering, materials science, biophysics and applied mathematics. It is also valuable for senior scientists and engineers in academia and industry interested in the fundamental theoretical aspects of wrinkling phenomena, their numerical simulation and experimental characterization.

PhD positions in computational cardiovascular biomechanics at University of Glasgow

Are you interested in undertaking a PhD in the interdisciplinary field of computational cardiovascular biomechanics? If so, there are positions available in my research group and details are provided below.

Cambridge University - PhD Studentship in Data-driven mechanics

Mechanical properties of materials are usually measured by simple one-dimensional tests. The growing field of data-driven mechanics requires development of experimental methods to obtain large quantities of multi-axial data from a single test. To complement this data is the requirement to develop computational methods that can deal with the inevitable measurement noise.

Cambridge University - PhD Studentship in Data-driven mechanics

Mechanical properties of materials are usually measured by simple one-dimensional tests. The growing field of data-driven mechanics requires development of experimental methods to obtain large quantities of multi-axial data from a single test. To complement this data is the requirement to develop computational methods that can deal with the inevitable measurement noise.

stefanogonella's picture

PhD position at the University of Minnesota (Stefano Gonella's group)

PhD positions are  available in the group of Prof. Stefano Gonella at the University of Minnesota. The positions are in the general area of mechanics and physics of solids, with emphasis on mechanical and elastic metamaterials and wave physics. 

Current topics of interest include:

1)       Topological mechanics and metamaterials

Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D and Post-doc positions at Northeastern University

Ph.D and Postdoc positions are available in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Priting lab at Northeastern University, Boston. Candidates will background in mechanics, materials, finite element analysis are all welcome to apply. 

Applicants can send the CV directly to Prof. Yaning Li 




bigspaggio's picture

Summer School on Machinery Advanced Diagnostics

On Behalf of Prof. Marco Cocconcelli, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia I would like to point out the Summer School on Machinery Advanced Diagnostics (MAD), that will be held on the Garda Lake in Italy at the end of June. The summer school is addressed to PhD students, researchers, and specialists working in the field of machinery diagnostics and condition monitoring.
The aim is to provide advanced skills and knowledge for the design and development of predictive diagnostics solutions for mechanical systems.

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) or Associate Professor in Digitalization for Structural Engineering

Do you want to understand how digitalization can revolutionize civil engineering structures? Do you want to bridge the gap between academia and industry in your daily work? Are you eager to share your research with our students so that they can make the difference tomorrow? Then you could be the new colleague we are looking for. The Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering of Aarhus University is looking for a visionary Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)/Associate Professor in the area of Digitalization for Structural Engineering.

PhD Scholarship on Robotic Metamaterials in The University of Birmingham

The Mechanics of Robotic Metamaterials Group at the department of Mechanical Engineering in the University of Birmingham, UK, led by Dr. Mingchao Liu, is recruiting one PhD student for the fall of 2024. The group is also open to joint PhD students and visiting scholars.

Michael S. Sacks's picture


The Willerson Center for Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation jointly with the Zoldan Lab, have an immediate opening for a highly motivated graduate student in the area of cellular mechanics modeling.


marco.paggi's picture

Open phd courses on computational mechanics at IMT Lucca, Italy

Selected courses delivered in the A.Y. 2023/24 by professors of the Multi-scale Analysis of Materials Research Unit at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca for: 

- PhD programme in Systems Science, Track in Computational Mechanics

- PhD programme in Management of Digital Transformation


will be open to incoming visiting students (in person or remote participation is possible), without fees. 


xingshengsun's picture

PhD Openings on Multiscale Materials Modeling in University of Kentucky

Greetings from Lexington, Kentucky! We are an interdisciplinary research group in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Kentucky. We specialize in the modeling, computation and simulation of materials across multiple length- and time-scales. Our missions include advancing fundamental understanding of materials under different operating environments and making contributions to material design and discovery for diverse applications.

Ananya Renuka Balakrishna's picture

PhD Openings at UCSB – Solid Mechanics and Materials

We have several openings for PhD positions in the Balakrishna Research Group ( at UC Santa Barbara in the Materials Department. Materials at UC Santa Barbara is a world-renowned department with stellar faculty offering a collaborative and multidisciplinary academic environment.


pragtic's picture

Lecture by P. Yadegari on “Fatigue strength of ultra-high strength steels and surface-hardened components”

Lecture by Patrick Yadegari on “Fatigue strength of ultra-high strength steels and surface-hardened components” will be held on-line on Tuesday September 5 at 3PM CET. Its approximate duration is expected 1 hour, but it will depend on the scope of the discussion and the questions of participants. If you wish to take part, please write me to, so that I could send you the access link to the Zoom platform. Here is the abstract to the lecture:

jenda_z's picture

Advanced course on Modeling of localized inelastic deformation, Prague, 4--8 September 2023

The 2023 edition of the advanced course on Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation, given by Milan Jirásek, takes place from 4 to 8 September at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.

Roberto Brighenti's picture

PhD position in Mechanics of Solids at University of Parma (ITALY)

There is 1 fully-funded Ph.D. studentship (3-year bursary) available for a 1st November 2023 start.

A description of the research programme is given in the enclosed pdf.

Preferred applicants should hold a degree in Engineering with a major in Solid and Structural Mechanics.

Five fully funded Master positions in Computational Mechanics and Materials Science at CEMEF (Mines Paris, PSL University)

Advanced Master MAPMOD

Digital Materials and Advanced Processes Modelling

MAPMOD is a one-year full-time postgraduated program in line with industrial needs for high level competences in high added value components or equipment manufacturing in fields such as aeronautics, energy, automotive…

jenda_z's picture

Three-day on-site intensive course on "Invitation to nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring" by Zahra Sharif Khodaei, 22--24 May 2023, Czech Republic, Prague

I would like to bring to your attention an intensive three-day course on "Invitation to nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring" that will be given by Dr. Zahra Sharif Khodaei (Imperial College London) from Monday, 22 May, to Wednesday, 24 May 2023, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.

PhD course - "Probability-Informed Wind Engineering against Synoptic and Non-Synoptic Wind Hazards", Prof. Luca Caracoglia (UniGe Visiting Prof)

It is with great pleasure that I announce that from mid-May
Prof. Luca Caracoglia (Northeastern University, Boston MA, USA)
will be UniGe Visiting Professor.

During the visiting period, starting from 17 May, Prof. Caracoglia will hold a PhD course entitled
"Probability-Informed Wind Engineering against Synoptic and Non-Synoptic Wind Hazards".
All information is contained in the attached file.

Chandima Uyanage's picture

Webinar: Multiscale material design with molding history effects using a dedicated Ansys extension

In this webinar, we will introduce the latest analysis technologies with specific analysis examples to predict materials behavior using analytical prediction of microstructure combined with virtual material testing.

Save the date: 22 February 2023 at 10 AM CET ⇒ Register from here

Webinar Abstract

2023 Summer School on Computational Materials Science at Texas A&M

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our pleasure to announce the 12th iteration of the Computational Materials Science Summer School at Texas A&M University, CMS3.


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