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Lorenzo Bardella's picture

Abstract call for Thematic Session 'SM12 - Plasticity, viscoplasticity and creep' - ICTAM2024 (Daegu, South Korea, Aug 25-30, 2024)

Dear Colleagues, 

within the 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2024) to be held in Daegu, South Korea, 25-30 Aug 2024, Henrik M. Jensen (Aarhus University, Denmark) and myself are organising the Thematic Session 'SM12 - Plasticity, viscoplasticity and creep'. 

We would like to invite you to contribute to this Thematic Session. 

The Extended Abstract Submission is open until January 15, 2024.

Best regards,

jenda_z's picture

Advanced course on Modeling of localized inelastic deformation, Prague, 4--8 September 2023

The 2023 edition of the advanced course on Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation, given by Milan Jirásek, takes place from 4 to 8 September at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.

Andrew J. Gross's picture

Open Postdoc position for Fall 2023 on computational methods to process experimental data

One postdoc is sought to fill an opening in the Gross Materials Lab (group website: at the University of South Carolina. This research is focused on extracting yield surfaces from data rich full-field experimental information by solving an inverse problem. This research will be primarily computational and will integrate closely with a graduate student conducting experiments. Applicants with relevant experience are strongly encouraged to apply.

Apply for a Postdoc through NPDF for Fracture Mechanics research

Dear motivated PhDs of India, 


There is an opprtunity to work on experimental and numerical fracture mechanics using the prestigious National Post Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) by SERB India.

The details are available at:

We can have a discussion for a topic in Fracture Mechanics experimental and/or numerical. The scheme is opening on 3rd July 2023. 

Eligible candidates may contact me at :

jenda_z's picture

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Regularized Failure Models for Quasibrittle Materials, Czech Technical University in Prague

My colleague Milan Jirásek is opening a two-year postdoctoral position in developing new regularized models for predicting and understanding failure processes under general conditions.

arash_yavari's picture

A Geometric Field Theory of Dislocation Mechanics

In this paper a geometric field theory of dislocation dynamics and finite plasticity in single crystals is formulated. Starting from the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient into elastic and plastic parts, we use Cartan's moving frames to describe the distorted lattice structure via differential 1-forms. In this theory the primary fields are the dislocation fields, defined as a collection of differential 2-forms. The defect content of the lattice structure is then determined by the superposition of the dislocation fields.

dcp5303's picture

Journal Club for February 2023: Understanding Engineering Alloy Behavior by Combining 3D X-ray Characterization and Finite Element Modeling

Darren C. Pagan a, Romain Quey b, Matthew P. Kasemer c

Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA 16802, US

Mines Saint-Etienne, Univ. Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5307 LGF, F–42023 Saint-Etienne, France

Mechanical Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL 35487, US


1. Introduction

mkasemer's picture

PhD Position, Crystal Plasticity / X-ray Diffraction, The University of Alabama

The Advanced Computational Materials Engineering Laboratory (ACME Lab: in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Alabama is seeking candidates for a fully-funded PhD position in the area of deformation mechanics to begin August 2022.

kourousis's picture

New Book in Cyclic Plasticity of Metals

New book: Cyclic Plasticity of Metals: Modeling Fundamentals and Applications (published by Elsevier)


Table of Contents:

Part One: Introduction

1 Experimental observations in cyclic loading of metals

2 Fundamentals of cyclic plasticity models


Luca-Deseri's picture

Uniaxial stretch-release of rubber-plastic bilayers: strain dependent transition to stable helices, rolls, saddles, and tubes

Polymeric plastics deform irreversibly (i.e., inelastically) whereas rubbers deform reversibly, i.e., elastically.

Thus, uniaxially stretching a rubber-plastic bilayer composite beyond its yield point can create an elastic strain mismatch between the two layers. Upon release, the bilayer may then bend out-of-plane.

Ramathasan Thevamaran's picture

Origins of size effects in initially dislocation-free single-crystal silver micro- and nanocubes

We report phenomenal yield strengths—up to one-fourth of the theoretical strength of silver—recorded in microcompression testing of initially dislocation-free silver micro- and nanocubes synthesized from a multistep seed-growth process. These high strengths and the massive strain bursts that occur upon yield are results of the initially dislocation-free single-crystal structure of the pristine samples that yield through spontaneous nucleation of dislocations.

WaiChing Sun's picture

Computational/machine learning mechanics Postdoc/PhD position available at Columbia University

Dear colleagues, 

There is a new opening for one postdoc/PhD student position, to be filled immediately, in my research group in the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at Columbia University. We are looking for postdocs/PhD in the broad area of computational mechanics. Candidates should have expertise and experience on modeling dynamic responses of path-dependent materials and software development. Our project is specifically focused on applications of machine learning for computational plasticity and damage. 

PhD position(s) in modeling of the interaction between phase transformations and plasticity

PhD position(s) is available for Spring 2022 in the Engineering Mechanics program in Aerospace Engineering Department at Iowa State University to perform theoretical and computational part of work on NSF-funded projects on the interaction between phase transformations and plasticity. Phase-field, micromechanical, and macroscale simulations using FEM are of interest, in close collaboration with high-pressure experiments performed in our lab. Please send vita to Prof. Valery Levitas ( )

Shailendra's picture

Post-doc position in Mechanics of Materials at University of Houston

A one-year post-doc position is available in our research group at the University of Houston with a start date of 1 September 2021. 

We are interested in understanding how microstructural aspects govern material failure. Our approach relies on formulating theoretical frameworks that are informed by experiments and implementing them computationally.

Join us to expand in more novel directions:

(i) Data-driven plasticity and failure;

(ii) Phase-field approaches to plasticity and failure;

PhD opening in Computational Mechanics and Optimisation at University of Technology Sydney, Australia

The project “Computational mechanics and optimisation for energy absorption of materials” is calling for applications for PhD scholarship commencing in 2021. This project is funded by the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award. Candidates with knowledge and research experience in computational mechanics, design optimisation and machine learning are encouraged to apply.


Project description:

Harold S. Park's picture

Postdoc Position in Computational Nanomechanics

I am looking to recruit a highly motivated and independent postdoctoral researcher to study, via the development of new computational methodologies, the deformation mechanisms in crystalline nanostructures.  The specific emphasis is on predicting the plasticity at timescales that far exceed those possible in classical atomistic simulations, and verifying the predictions through collaborations with experimentalists.  The position is available as soon as possible for at least a 1.5-year duration, with possible extension to future years depending on the availability of fundin

Four Fully Funded PhD Positions

#IPPTPAN in collaboration with Department of Engineering at #NTU is offering four fully supported #PhD positions in the following fields:


1) Non-linear thermo-mechanical behaviour of polycrystalline shape memory alloys undergoing complex loadings < >


WaiChing Sun's picture

Computational Mechanics Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position at Columbia University

Dear colleagues, 

There is a new opening for one postdoc position, to be filled immediately, in my research group in the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at Columbia University. We are looking for postdocs in the broad area of computational mechanics. Candidates should have expertise in modeling dynamic responses of path-dependent materials. Our project is specifically focused on applications of machine learning (reinforcement learning, graph embedding) for computational plasticity and damage. 

Daniel Kiener's picture

Nanoindentation processes in full view

The microelectronics revolution is one of the most influential drivers of current industrial developments. To probe the mechanical properties of ever shrinking materials and components, nanoindentation has come to be an omnipresent and indispensable method. In a recent combined experimental and computational approach, an international team of scientists was for the first time able to resolve the dynamic atomistic processes taking place at the elastic-plastic transition during nanoindentation.

Jinhyun Choo's picture

Computational Geomechanics mini-symposium at EMI 2020 New York

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to cordially invite you to the Computational Geomechanics mini-symposium at the ASCE EMI 2020 Conference, which will take place on May 26–29, 2020 at Columbia University in NYC. The abstract submission is now open until January 15, 2020 (Link: The mini-symposium description is given below:

Plane stress Abaqus UMAT

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Hello everyone,

I have created a UMAT code for J2 elasto-plasticity with isotropic hardening for 3D solid elements.

At this point I would like to support also plane stress shell elements. What changes in the code are

suggested? The already implemented code, takes as input the strain tensor at time tn and the strain

increment tensor and updates the stress at time tn+1 and calculates the material Jacobian and 

achieve quadratic convergence. The stress and strain tensors are manipulated as 6x1 vectors and the 

rbsills's picture

Postdoc Opening in Computational Materials Science at Rutgers University

The microMechanics of Deformation Research Group (mMOD) in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Rutgers University is seeking a Post-Doctoral Associate to participate in a pair of collaborative projects with a Department of Energy National Laboratory. The projects are focused on using discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) simulations to understand dislocation patterning in deformed metals, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to understanding crack initiation in hydrogen-affected steels.


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