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Lorenzo Bardella's blog

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On laminated structures under flexure

If you design laminated structures, such as sandwich panels, you might be interested in knowing that the through-the-thickness normal stress, properly disregarded in homogeneous structures, may play a fundamental role in triggering delamination.

Lorenzo Bardella's picture

Abstract call for Thematic Session 'SM12 - Plasticity, viscoplasticity and creep' - ICTAM2024 (Daegu, South Korea, Aug 25-30, 2024)

Dear Colleagues, 

within the 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2024) to be held in Daegu, South Korea, 25-30 Aug 2024, Henrik M. Jensen (Aarhus University, Denmark) and myself are organising the Thematic Session 'SM12 - Plasticity, viscoplasticity and creep'. 

We would like to invite you to contribute to this Thematic Session. 

The Extended Abstract Submission is open until January 15, 2024.

Best regards,

Lorenzo Bardella's picture

Online seminar "Strain Gradient Plasticity based on saturating internal variables” by Samuel Forest

On Tuesday 24th October at 3:00 pm (Italian time) Samuel Forest will offer the seminar “Strain gradient plasticity based on saturating internal variables” at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics of the University of Brescia (Italy). Here attached please find the abstract of the seminar. 

Anyone may directly join online through Google Meet at

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CISM Advanced School "Mechanics of strain gradient materials"

A one-week CISM Advanced School on "Mechanics of strain gradient materials", coordinated by Albrecht Bertram and Samuel Forest, will take place in Udine, Italy, next May 14th-18th.

Lorenzo Bardella's picture

Abstract submission open for mini-symposium "Micromechanics-based Nonlocal Continuum Models" at ESMC 2018, Bologna, Italy

Micromechanics-based Nonlocal Continuum Models organised by Lorenzo Bardella (University of Brescia) and Samuel Forest (Mines ParisTech CNRS)  Submission deadline: November 15th, 2017  Nowadays, problems involving more physics and more length and time scales have become very relevant in engineering applications. Theoretical frameworks limited to conventional continua are often inadequate to model such problems.

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Ph.D. position opened at the University of Brescia, Italy

The group of Mechanics of Solids and Structures at the School of Engineering at the University of Brescia (Italy) has an open PhD position. The appointment will begin on January 1st 2014 for three full years.

The following topics are of interest:

1. small-scale plasticity of metals, with emphasis on modelling the size effect through strain gradient plasticity theories and dislocation mechanics. 2. micromechanics of composite materials, with emphasis on modelling failure.

Lorenzo Bardella's picture

Syntactic and Composite Foams III Conference

The international conference "Syntactic and Composite Foams III" will be held in Cetraro (Italy) May 29th - June 3rd, 2011. Abstracts of approximately 300 words should be submitted no later than January 15th, 2011 for oral presentations and March 1st, 2011 for poster presentations.  More information at the web page:

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