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soft materials

Lihua Jin's picture

PhD opening at UCLA

The Mechanics of Soft Materials Lab ( led by Prof Lihua Jin in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has a PhD opening to be filled in 2025 fall. Successful candidates are expected to work on modeling, simulations, and experiments of soft materials, soft tissue and soft robots. The ideal candidates will be highly motivated with a strong background in solid mechanics and computation, and be fluent in spoken and written English.

giulia scalet's picture

Ph.D/Post-doc positions in the mechanics of smart soft structures and architected materials

Ph.D/Postdoc positions will be available at the Programmable Materials and Structures lab ( of the University of Pavia in Italy. Candidates with background in mechanics, materials, finite element analysis, topology optimization, 4D printing are all welcome to apply. 

Prospective candidates are welcome to contact Prof. Giulia Scalet ( Please attach a CV.


giulia scalet's picture

International Summer School "Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications"

Glad to share that the University of Pavia, together with Politecnico di Milano, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and University of Bologna, organizes the International Summer School “Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications” within the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, from 1st to 5th July 2024 at Villa del Grumello (Como, Italy).

giulia scalet's picture

Summer School “Mechanics of active soft materials" 1-5 July 2024


Save the date!

The University of Pavia, together with Politecnico di Milano, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and University of Bologna, organizes the International Summer School Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications within the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies.

jenda_z's picture

Two postdoctoral openings in soft materials with surface energies at Czech Technical University in Prague

Martin Horák is searching for two postdoctoral researchers to work with him on unraveling constitutive modeling, computational simulations, or mathematics of soft materials with surface energies. To learn more and apply, please visit the link below:

The call closes on 30 November 2023.

giulia scalet's picture

Research fellow position in mechanics of smart polymers for soft robotics

A research fellow position is available at University of Pavia in Italy starting February-May 2023. The position is part of a project in collaboration with Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Prof. Giulia Scalet (

Meredith N. Silberstein's picture

Call for Abstracts - SEM, due Oct 18th

Dear Colleagues,

The deadline for abstract submission to the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (June 13–16, 2022 | Pittsburgh, PA, USA) is October 18th. Please note that this is already the extended deadline. The call for papers is attached. You can submit your abstracts here.

Lihua Jin's picture

PhD opening at UCLA

There is a PhD opening in the Mechanics of Soft Materials Lab ( in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. The opening is to be filled in 2021 fall, 2022 winter or 2022 fall quarter. The successful candidate is expected to work on modeling, simulations, and experiments of soft materials.

Lihua Jin's picture

A postdoc opening at UCLA

There is an immediate opening of a postdoctoral researcher in the Mechanics of Soft Materials Lab ( in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The research will be on experimental mechanics of soft materials, and fabrication of soft machines. The successful candidate should have a PhD degree with expertise in experimental polymer materials.

Yuhang Hu's picture

ASME IMECE 2020 Mechanics of Soft Materials symposium

A few updates about the ASME IMECE 2020 Mechanics of Soft Materials symposium:


•            IMECE 2020 will be fully online with the technical meetings held during the week of November 15. IMECE remains the same otherwise. The online format will leverage the extra capabilities that come from a virtual setting.

•            Authors will still be required to register to present and to be included in the final program. Registration will be at a reduced rate (exact amount to be announced).

Lihua Jin's picture

A postdoc opening at UCLA

There is an immediate opening of a postdoctoral researcher in the Mechanics of Soft Materials Lab ( in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. The research will be on experimental mechanics of soft materials, and fabrication of soft machines. The successful candidate should have a PhD degree with expertise in experimental polymer chemistry and polymer materials.

Matt Pharr's picture

'Sideways' and stable crack propagation in a silicone elastomer

We have discovered a peculiar form of fracture that occurs in a highly stretchable silicone elastomer (Smooth-On Ecoflex 00–30). Under certain conditions, cracks propagate in a direction perpendicular to the initial pre-cut and in the direction of the applied load. In other words, the crack deviates from the standard trajectory and instead propagates perpendicular to that trajectory. The crack arrests stably, and thus the material ahead of the crack front continues to sustain load, thereby enabling enormous stretchabilities. We call this phenomenon 'sideways' and stable cracking.

Meredith N. Silberstein's picture

SES 2019 - Mechanics and Physics of Soft Materials

Abstract submission for the Society of Engineering Science annual conference is now open:

The deadline to submit is April 30th, 2019. Please consider subitting to our symposium on the Mechanics and Physics of Soft Materials. A full description is given below.

noyco's picture

Ph.D. and Post-doc positions available at the Technion, Israel

Our group is part of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Techion – Israel Institute of Technology, located in Haifa, Israel.

We employ theoretical and experimental tools to understand the relations between the micro-structure and the macroscopic response of soft materials. Materials of interest include electro-active polymers, 3D printed lattice structures, biopolymers, and gels.

Xin Ning's picture

Postdoc Position in Flexible Electronics

POST-DOCTORAL SCHOLAR, PENN STATE:  The Advanced Structures Laboratory, Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park Campus invites applications for an appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar.


Teng zhang's picture

Deriving a lattice model for neo-Hookean solids from finite element methods

Lattice models are popular methods for simulating deformation of solids by discretizing continuum structures into spring networks. Despite the simplicity and efficiency, most lattice models only rigorously converge to continuum models for lattices with regular shapes. Here, we derive a lattice model for neo-Hookean solids directly from finite element methods (FEM). The proposed lattice model can handle complicated geometries and tune the material compressibility without significantly increasing the complexity of the model.

Yunwei Mao's picture

USNC/TAM 2018 mini-symposium 362: Failure and Damage in Soft Materials: From Instabilies to Cracking

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our symposium titled “362 Failure and Damage in Soft Materials: From Instabilies to Cracking” as part of the 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Northwestern University in Chicago, IL, June 4-9, 2018).

Soft Materials Mechanics and the 2017 ASME IMECE

Dear Colleagues,

The Soft Materials Mechanics Technical Committee (TC) is pleased to announce that the abstract submission process for the 2017 ASME IMECE in Tampa, FL is open. The TC symposium solicits abstracts from many disciplines represented from previous years (active materials, gels, biomaterials, 3D printing, and more) as well new subject areas and collaborations.

Meredith N. Silberstein's picture

Call for Abstracts SES - Mechanics of Polymers with Dynamic Bonds

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract to "Mechanics of Polymers with Dynamic Bonds" (Symposium C-3) at the Society for Engineering Science annual conference this fall. SES will take place Oct 2-5, 2016 at the University of Maryland. The abstract deadline is June 15th. Further conference details can be found at

Chiqun Zhang's picture

A non-traditional view on the modeling of nematic disclination dynamics

Chiqun Zhang          Xiaohan Zhang         Amit Acharya          Dmitry Golovaty          Noel Walkington

Nonsingular disclination dynamics in a uniaxial nematic liquid crystal is modeled within a mathematical framework where the kinematics is a direct extension of the classical way of identifying these line defects with singularities of a unit vector field representing the nematic director. It is well known that the universally accepted Oseen-Frank energy is infinite for configurations that contain disclination line defects. We devise a natural augmentation of the Oseen-Frank energy to account for physical situations where, under certain conditions, infinite director gradients have zero associated energy cost, as would be necessary for modeling half-integer strength disclinations within the framework of the director theory. Equilibria and dynamics (in the absence of flow) of line defects are studied within the proposed model. Using appropriate initial/boundary data, the gradient-flow dynamics of this energy leads to non-singular, line defect equilibrium solutions, including those of half-integer strength. However, we demonstrate that the gradient flow dynamics for this energy is not able to adequately describe defect evolution. Motivated by similarity with dislocation dynamics in solids, a novel 2D-model of disclination dynamics in nematics is proposed. The model is based on the extended Oseen-Frank energy and takes into account thermodynamics and the kinematics of conservation of defect topological charge. We validate this model through computations of disclination equilibria, annihilation, repulsion, and splitting. We show that the energy function we devise, suitably interpreted, can serve as well for the modeling of equilibria and dynamics of dislocation line defects in solids making the conclusions of this paper relevant to mechanics of both solids and liquid crystals.


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