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Chandima Uyanage's picture

Multiscale.Sim new version released

Multi materials support in microstructure modeling and a new interface for drape simulation ⇒ Release Notes

What's New

Multiscale.Sim offers powerful microstructure modeling capabilities and it's been one of its unique and most sought after features for a long time. This version update brings most anticipated multiple material support for microstructure modeling. 

giulia scalet's picture

International Summer School "Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications"

Glad to share that the University of Pavia, together with Politecnico di Milano, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and University of Bologna, organizes the International Summer School “Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications” within the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, from 1st to 5th July 2024 at Villa del Grumello (Como, Italy).

Francesco Dal Corso's picture

Abstract call for Thematic Session 'FS08 - Education in mechanics' - ICTAM2024 (Daegu, South Korea, Aug 25-30, 2024)

Dear Colleagues, Within the 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2024) to be held in Daegu, South Korea, 25 – 30 Aug 2024,Vikram Pakrashi (University College Dublin - Ireland) and myself (Francesco Dal Corso, University of Trento - Italy) are organising the Thematic Session 'FS08 - Education in mechanics'. 

Chandima Uyanage's picture

Global Webinar - An Efficient Analysis Approach for RTM Simulation

This webinar will showcase simulation techniques to predict the quality of your RTM molded product without excessive reliance on actual tests.

Save the date: 28 November 2023 at 3 PM JST ⇒ Register from here

Webinar Abstract

Chandima Uyanage's picture

Correlation Studies of Different Decoupled Two-Scale Simulations for Lattice Structures

Sharing for the benefit of those who are interested: A new technical paper co-authored by researchers at the JAXA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, The University of Tokyo and CYBERNET SYSTEMS CO.,LTD., was published in the Aerospace - a free-access journal by MDPI. The authors reckon that the study will provide a guideline for effective designs of high-performance lattice structures with architected materials.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Short Course: Machine Learning for Materials Informatics (Live Virtual, Sept. 26-29, 2022)

In this course you will fully learn how to incorporate new materials informatics methods into your own material modeling, analysis and design processes in order to capitalize on recent AI breakthroughs, such as language models (e.g. GPT-3, BERT, LaMDA, etc.), DNA and protein models (e.g., AlphaFold), graph neural networks applied from molecular to macroscale structures, and a host of methods adapted for computer vision including diffusion models (as used in DALL-E 2 or Imagen), specifically for the analysis, design and modeling of materials. The course involves a mix of lectures, hands-on labs and clinics for an immersive experience. Participants will learn fundamentals and techniques to deploy machine learning in materials development and gain first-hand understanding of state-of-the art tools for varied applications ranging from data mining to inverse design. We will cover scales from the molecular to the continuum.

as's picture

PhD fellowship at m4lab@UNIBS within a joint work between Academics and Industry.

The Multiscale Mechanics and Multiphysics of Materials Lab ( at the School of Engineering at the University of Brescia, Italy announces a PhD fellowship on the subject of Modeling and simulations for next generation lithium-ion cells. The fellowship is fully funded by the m4lab in collaboration with the Austrian Research Center Virtual Vehicles ( and will last three years.

Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Rotator Position Open: NSF Program Director of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MoMS) Program

Dear Colleagues, Peers, Friends, and Savants,

Do you want to give back to your community, broaden your research horizons, understand the other side of funding, or just seek a temporary change of venue to reinvigorate yourself? Then, here is an opportunity at NSF/MoMS to do just that:

Please, consider, disseminate, and encourage worthy candidates. I'm always available to provide more information. You know how to contact me.

Remote Mechanics Teaching. How to do it well?

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Many of us will be teaching remotely soon.  I wonder what is most effective when it comes to mechanics.

In our department we have been having meetings to help professors figure out what is the approach to the online teaching modality.  There have been lots of suggestions:

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Postdoc positions at MIT available

We have one or more postdoc positions available, to be filled immediately, at MIT’s Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics, under the direction of Professor Markus Buehler. We are looking for postdocs in two broad areas, as described below. 

Position #1: Materials science modeling 

Gustavo Quino's picture

PhD Studentships in Novel Modelling Methodologies for Hybrid and Titanium Alloys Systems Subjected to Impact Loading

3.5-year D.Phil. studentship

Supervisor: Prof Nik Petrinic


We are seeking to recruit students for two doctoral projects arising as part of a long-term collaboration with Rolls-Royce. In particular, the projects will support future design of large gas turbine engines for civil aviation. The students will be members of the Impact Engineering Team, a large and vibrant team whose industrial sponsors are the largest global engineering organisations (see

mesarovic's picture

deadline for financial aid for the CISM summer course on Mesoscale models

This is a reminder that the deadline to apply for the financial aid for the summer course in Udine is approaching:  March 22. 


Short course at Centre International de Sciences Mechanique (CISM), Udine.

May 22-26, 2017

Lecturers:  S Forest, I Groma, D McDowell, S Mesarovic, J-N Roux, H Zbib

The flyer is attached.  Register at: 

Free Simpleware workshop in Chicago - Wednesday February 15th 2017

Date / Time: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 / 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Location: Chicago, IL, USA

Fee: Free-to-attend. Pre-registration is required as places are limited


Who should attend

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Faculty Positions in Civil and Environmental Engineering

The MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) invites applications for several tenure-track faculty positions to begin July 2017 or thereafter. Appointments will be at the assistant or untenured associate professor level. In special cases, a senior faculty appointment may be possible.  We will consider exceptional candidates in all areas relevant to the mission and vision of the department, but the department is especially looking for candidates to expand or strengthen its current areas of:

Pradeep Sharma's picture

A short course on "stability analysis and bifurcation theory" by Ryan Elliott

With a growing interest in soft materials, stability and bifurcation analysis is re-emerging to be a critical topic for mechanicians. There are some excellent books out there but most tend to focus on finite dimensional systems rather than (continuous) infinite dimensional systems which are of most interest to mechanicians. In general, much of the modern developments on this topic are scattered across journal papers and perhaps there are not too many pedagogical resources for beginners.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT CEE Rising Stars Workshop October 15-16, 2015

MIT invites top early career women in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and related domains (e.g. mechanics, materials, environmental and earth science) who are interested in careers in academia to apply to attend this new innovative workshop to be held on the MIT campus.

Julian J. Rimoli's picture

Common questions about developing educational apps

This afternoon, I had an extremely pleasant Google hangout with Daniel Suo, and Professors Zhigang Suo and Teng Li . Our main focus was on brainstorming ideas on how to improve the user experience on iMechanica. After an hour or so our conversation drifted towards educational topics including novel ways of incorporating technology in STEM education.

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Robust Stability at the Swallowtail Singularity

Consider the set of monic fourth-order real polynomials transformed so that the constant term is one. In the three-dimensional space of the coefficients describing this set, the domain of asymptotic stability is bounded by a surface with the Whitney umbrella singularity. The maximum of the real parts of the roots of these polynomials is globally minimized at the Swallowtail singular point of the discriminant surface of the set corresponding to a negative real root of multiplicity four.

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Nonlinear Physical Systems: Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations

Bringing together 18 chapters written by leading experts in dynamical systems, operator theory, partial differential equations, and solid- and fluid mechanics, this book presents state-of-the-art approaches to a wide spectrum of new and challenging stability problems.


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