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lijianyu's picture

Journal Club for June 2020: Mechanically instructive biomaterials: a synergy of mechanics, materials and biology


Mechanically instructive biomaterials: a synergy of mechanics, materials and biology

Zhenwei Ma, Jianyu Li

Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada


USACM-Student Chapter Seminar. Title: The Evolutional deep neural network for time dependent PDEs, Speaker: Yifan Du

USACM Student Chapter Monthly Seminar.

Thursday, March 27, at 4PM - 5PM (Eastern time - New York). 

Speaker: Yifan Du, Johns Hopkins University

TitleThe Evolutional deep neural network for time dependent PDEs

amin_ebrahimi's picture

Simulation-Driven Insights into Molten Metal Oscillations in Fusion-Based Manufacturing

Fusion-based manufacturing techniques, such as laser welding and additive manufacturing, are revolutionising how we produce complex components across industries. Yet, one critical challenge persists: how do we reliably control and predict melt-pool behaviour to ensure high-quality outcomes? This question was at the heart of my PhD research, completed at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

oliver oreilly's picture

The Dynamics of a Collapsing Set of Blocks

While stacked objects are ubiquitous, there are few works devoted to modeling their dynamics. In a new paper “On the Dynamics of a Collapsing Stack of Blocks”, coauthored with Theresa Honein we use a generalized alpha numerical method developed by Capobianco et al [1] to simulate the collapse. The examples we consider include the Leaning Tower of Lyre and the collapse of a stack of blocks that is produced by harmonic excitation of a foundation.


Fan Xu's picture

Programmable wrinkling patterns of liquid crystal network bilayers on compliant substrates

Smart soft materials have gained increasing attention in recent years because of their adaptive behaviors to external multi-physics stimuli, enabling diverse applications across multiple fields. Here, we show programmable wrinkling morphological patterns on liquid crystal network (LCN) bilayers bonded to compliant substrates under thermal load, by tuning the orientation of directors between LCN bilayers. We propose a solid-shell formulation that merges enhanced and natural assumed strain approaches to investigate the pattern formation and morphological transition of LCN bilayers.

Fan Xu's picture

Unusual stretching-twisting of liquid crystal elastomer bilayers

Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs), as a unique class of smart soft materials combining the properties of liquid crystals and hyperelasticity, are capable of rapid, anisotropic, and reversible deformations in response to mechanical, thermal or optical stimuli. Here, we report a hitherto unknown stretching-induced twisting behavior of LCE bilayer strips. Under uniaxial stretching, we reveal that due to the spontaneous mismatch strain arising from interlayer anisotropy, the bilayer strips exhibit notable twisting deformations.

Nuwan Dewapriya's picture

Exploring the effects of temperature, transverse pressure, and strain rate on axial tensile behavior of perfect UHMWPE crystals using molecular dynamics

Our latest paper, " Exploring the Effects of Temperature, Transverse Pressure, and Strain Rate on Axial Tensile Behavior of Perfect UHMWPE Crystals Using Molecular Dynamics," is accessible freely for 50 days from this link:

The key findings can be summarized as follows:

Advanced numerical modelling and simulation of vesicle dynamics using phase-field and isogeometric analysisSeminars@DEM - Navid Valizadeh (Leibniz University Hannover)



"Advanced numerical modelling and simulation of vesicle dynamics using phase-field and isogeometric analysis" - January 31, 2025, Friday, 3:00 pm, Pavilhão de Mecânica II, amphitheatre AM

Date: January 31, 2025, Friday
Time: 3:00 pm
Place: Pavilhão de Mecânica II, amphitheatre AM

Two PhD positions at Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden

two PhD positions in our team working on 1) multiscale modeling of brain biomechanics and 2) machine learning-accelerated virtual testing. 

Please forward the information to anybody you know who may be interested. Kindly note the application deadline is Jan 24.



PhD scholarship application in Geomechanics at University of Lyon & China Scholarship Council - Study of the hydromechanical behaviour of soils using a meshless approach to model large soil movements close to geo-structures

Full description & contact: see attached document
University & laboratory: University of Lyon, Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes (LTDS), Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat (ENTPE), Géomatériaux et Constructions Durables (GCD).
Location: Lyon, France
Period: 4-year China Scholarship Council scholarship application (only chinese student application)

Osama R. Bilal's picture

Curvature Matters!

In this recent EML paper, we show the stark effect of curvature on the performance of metamaterials, both in the static and dynamic domains. Read more at:

Antonio Papangelo's picture

Enhancement of adhesion strength through microvibrations: Modeling and experiments

AbstractHigh-frequency micrometrical vibrations have been shown to greatly influence the adhesive performance of soft interfaces, however a detailed comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results is still missing. Here, the problem of a rigid spherical indenter, hung on a soft spring, that is unloaded from an adhesive viscoelastic vibrating substrate is considered. The experimental tests were performed by unloading a borosilicate glass lens from a soft PDMS substrate excited by high-frequency micrometrical vibrations.

Mike Ciavarella's picture

Leonardo's universal friction coefficient is found to be universal after all!

It turns out that friction coefficient 0.25 suggested as universal by Leonardo da Vinci more than 500 years ago has some universaility, as minimum friction coefficient for any granular material: it makes me proud as italian ;) I guess it would be interesting to show this experimental result also theoretically or numerically, any interest? [HTML] 

Amit Acharya's picture

The Second Law as a constraint and admitting the approximate nature of constitutive assumptions

A scheme for treating the Second Law of thermodynamics as a constraint and accounting for the approximate nature of constitutive assumptions in continuum thermomechanics is discussed. An unconstrained, concave, variational principle is designed for solving the resulting mathematical problem. Cases when the Second Law becomes an over-constraint on the mechanical model, as well as when it serves as a necessary constraint, are discussed.

Mike Ciavarella's picture

A new analytical model for fibrillar viscoelastic adhesion using the Schapery or the Shrimali-Lopez-Pamies nucleation models

Hello:  I would be interested in any comment about this preprint on fibrillar viscoelastic adhesion, originally devised by Schargott Popov and Gorb, where we use for the first time not only the Schapery model for nucleation of cracks, but also the Shrimali and Lopez Pamies, which leads to quite stronger enhancement of adhesion (the limit is the square of the Schapery one), and pull-off with no real prior propagation phase.  Propagation with Schapery nucleation criterion is found to be qualitatively similar to the Schapery and Persson-Brener propagation theories, except that the reference ve


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