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Fan Xu's picture

Wrinkling of twisted thin films

Thin films usually exhibit instabilities and yield intricate wrinkles when two clamped ends are twisted. Here, we explore the wrinkling behavior and pitch-fork bifurcation of twisted thin films experimentally and theoretically. To quantitatively predict the post-buckling evolution of twist-induced wrinkling morphology, we develop a refined finite-strain plate model derived from 3D field equations and then solve it by using the finite element method with COMSOL. We examine the effects of aspect ratios and pre-tension on the wrinkling profile.

noyco's picture

Inversion and perversion in twist incompatible isotropic tubes

How can we induce twist in tubular structures without applying a torque?

In nature, such behavior is enabled by material anisotropy. In our new work, we show that isotropic bi-layer tubes with twist incompatible layers can twist upon inflation and extension.
Interestingly, the direction of twist can spontaneously reverse as the load increases!

Check out our new paper at EML:

zichen's picture

Mechanical Self-Assembly of a Strain-Engineered Flexible Layer: Wrinkling, Rolling, and Twisting

Self-shaping of curved structures, especially those involving flexible thin layers, is attracting increasing attention because of their broad potential applications in, e.g., nanoelectromechanical andmicroelectromechanical systems, sensors, artificial skins, stretchable electronics, robotics, and drug delivery.

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