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Postdoc at Cambridge; Mechanics of Li ion Batteries

A position exists, for a Research Assistant/Associate Department of Engineering, to work on the Mechanics of Li ion Batteries.

Multiple funded (Direct) PhD positions at the University of Western Ontario, Canada

We have multiple (Direct) PhD positions in the field of micromechanics of metals and alloys. Our research focuses on the finite element modelling and diffraction-based characterization of deformation and fracture of polycrystalline materials. Currently our research themes include:

Paolo Celli's picture

PhD position in solid/structural mechanics at Stony Brook University

At least one fully funded Ph.D. position is available in the Dynamic Structures Laboratory at Stony Brook University. The intended starting semester is Fall 2025.

The positions are in the general area of nonlinear mechanics and nonlinear dynamics of shape-morphing metamaterials and structures.

Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Mechanical, Civil Engineering, Physics or related field; Solid background in nonlinear mechanics; Experience with finite element modeling.

H.Chen's picture

PhD openings in Computational Solid Mechanics and Methods at University of Kentucky

The Computational Mechanics and Methods (CM3) Group in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Kentucky is seeking highly self-motivated individuals who have great interest in the broad research areas of computational solid mechanics and methods, beginning Fall 2025. Interested individuals should send a detailed CV and official transcripts to Dr.

Rika Carlsen's picture

Postdoc Position in Computational Biomechanics

We currently have one postdoctoral research position available in the Injury Biomechanics Laboratory at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, PA. This position involves the development of high-fidelity finite element head models and the design of computational studies to advance our understanding of blast-induced traumatic brain injury (TBI).  A Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, mechanics, or related field is required.

Jian_Li's picture

PhD and Postdoc positions on mechanics of materials and structures

PhD and Postdoc positions are immediately available in the School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (First Class Academic Discipline) at Central South University in Dr. Li's research group. Lists of topics of interest are:

1. Impact Fatigue;

2. Fluid and structure interaction;

chenna's picture

PhD studentship in Computational Fluid Structure Interaction

We are now accepting applications for the fully-funded PhD position (applicable worldwide) on Computational Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction problems.

Dibakar Datta's picture

Assistant/Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering : New Jersey Institute of Technology (R1)

The Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) invites applications for a tenure-track position in a broad scope of the department's research areas at the level of Assistant/Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering.

Yaning Li's picture

Ph. D and Postdoc Positions in Northeastern University, Boston

Ph. D positions are open with starting dates of Fall 2025, in ‘Mechanics, Biomimetic, and 3D/4D Printing’ research lab in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) at Northeastern University, Boston.

A Postdoc position is open as well and can start any time.

The students and researchers will work on research projects related to the mechanics of new materials, including architected materials, additive manufactured materials, under the instruction of Professor Yaning Li.

Prakhar Gupta12's picture

Postdoc position at IIT Hyderabad, India

Postdoc Hiring!

SUCSHM Lab, IIT Hyderabad invites applications for the position of Research Associate (Postdoctoral Fellow) for a DRDO-funded project on "Modelling and establishment of various process parameters for PCS fibers and modelling of PCS-SiC conversion process".

Essential Qualifications:
Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics/Applied Mathematics/Applied Mechanics/Mechanical Engineering or related fields with prior experience in continuum mechanics.

v.tagarielli's picture

PhD studentship at Imperial College London

Applications are invited for a Ph.D. studentship in the Departments of Aeronautics. The research project will be supervised by Dr V.L. Tagarielli and Prof F. Montomoli and it will involve collaboration with Baker Hughes (Florence, Italy) and the Brahmal Vasudevan Institute for Sustainable Aviation.

Andrew J. Gross's picture

Open Postdoc on computational methods and inverse problems

A Postdoctoral Fellow is sought to fill an immediate opening in the Gross Materials Lab at the University of South Carolina to work on a DARPA funded project. The postdoc will have the opportunity to attend regular meetings with DARPA and other DOD program managers. The research is focused on extracting yield surfaces from data rich full-field experimental information by solving an inverse problem. This research will be primarily computational and will integrate closely with a graduate student conducting experiments.

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

Postdoc at Oxford on the mechanics of solid state batteries

We are hiring a postdoc to work on the mechanics of solid state batteries. The postdoc will be based at the Mechanics of Materials Lab (Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford) and work co-supervised by Profs Laurence Brassart and Emilio Martinez-Paneda. A close collaboration with experimentalists in the Pasta Group (Materials Department) is also expected.

Postdoctoral Positions at the University of California, San Diego

Postdoctoral positions are available in the department of Structural Engineering at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in Prof. Semnani’s research group. We are looking for highly motivated and talented individuals with a recent PhD degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering or Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

 The positions are in the areas of computational mechanics, machine learning, geomechanics, material characterization and modeling, and composite materials.

A list of necessary qualifications is below:

Tenured professor position in Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, University Rostock, Germany

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technologies of the University of Rostock, Germany
is seeking candidates to fill the position of

Professor (W2) of Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics

for an appointment on 01 April 2026.

Leon Mishnaevsky's picture

PhD position in Denmark: Modelling of Damage Mechanisms of Extra-Large Wind Turbine Blades

We have a PhD position at the Technical University of Denmark. The position is in the area of mechanics of materials, with applications to wind energy and composite materials. The position is for 3 years, starting in Spring 2025. The salary is of the order of 4.500 EUR (minus taxes). The campus is located in Roskilde, 30 km from Copenhagen.

The project will include computational modelling (finite elements) of extra-large wind turbine blades, and numerical analysis of the blade failure mechanisms.

Postdoctoral fellowship in Computational Fracture Mechanics at Duke

I am happy to announce that a postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Dolbow Research Group at Duke University, working in the area of computational fracture mechanics.  The fellowship provides the opportunity to work on an emerging class of complete fracture models that incorporate the three ingredients that are necessary to be predictive with elastic brittle materials: their elasticity, their fracture toughness, and their strength.  

Dibakar Datta's picture

Department Chair Search : New Jersey Institute of Technology (R1) Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (R1) is seeking a visionary leader to serve as Department Chair. If you are interested in this exciting leadership opportunity, please apply here :

We kindly request you to share this opportunity with anyone who might be a strong candidate for this role.


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