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Prakhar Gupta12's blog

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Postdoc position at IIT Hyderabad, India

Postdoc Hiring!

SUCSHM Lab, IIT Hyderabad invites applications for the position of Research Associate (Postdoctoral Fellow) for a DRDO-funded project on "Modelling and establishment of various process parameters for PCS fibers and modelling of PCS-SiC conversion process".

Essential Qualifications:
Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics/Applied Mathematics/Applied Mechanics/Mechanical Engineering or related fields with prior experience in continuum mechanics.

Prakhar Gupta12's picture

Modeling direct and converse flexoelectricity in soft dielectric rods with application to the follower load

Dielectric rods have been employed in various electromechanical applications, including energy harvesters and sensors. This paper develops a general framework to model large deformations in dielectric rods, considering both direct and converse flexoelectric effects. Initially, we derive the governing differential equations for a three-dimensional dielectric continuum solid to model large deformations, incorporating converse flexoelectricity. Then, we derive the equilibrium equations for the flexoelectric strain-gradient special Cosserat rod.

Prakhar Gupta12's picture

Postdoc position at SUCSHM Lab, IIT Hyderabad, India -- IITH-IPDF

I am hiring a postdoc colleague for our SUCHSM lab at IIT Hyderabad through Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowships (IITH-IPDF). Candidates interested in continuum mechanics, molecular statics, or computational mechanics are encouraged to contact me with their updated CVs by 12th Feb. Applications are open to Indian citizens only. 

Application Form:

Prakhar Gupta12's picture

A strain-gradient elastic theory for special Cosserat rods

 Micro-and nano-rods have been identified for various applications in actuators, sensors, and energy harvesters. This paper develops a general framework for micro-and nano-rods based on the one-dimensional strain-gradient theory for special Cosserat rods that considers large displacement and rotation of the cross section, chirality, and size effects. Initially, we obtain the linear momentum balance and angular momentum balance equations for rods utilizing the three-dimensional strain-gradient elasticity theory.

Prakhar Gupta12's picture

SICE 2022 Conference, IIT Hyderabad, India

Dear All,

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, India is organizing the 4th Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition, SICE-2022, from 14th-16th December 2022. Here are the details about the conference: 

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