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If you have a question about iMechanica or about mechanics, you can first use the search form at the upper right corner of iMechanica. If you cannot find the answer, please register for a free account and then login. you can post the question in a forum. A fellow iMechanician will be happy to answer your question.

Contact an iMechanician by email

Not every iMechanician accepts emails, but some do.

  • When you are reading a post, and would like to contact the author, click her name or her photo, and you will land on her profile. Click the tab "contact".
  • If you would like to contact an iMechanician, but he has not posted, you can search his name.
  • You can Google the user if she uses her full name.  If she is a faculty member at a university, typing her name and the name of the university in the search field of Google will usually lead to her web page.

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