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Field Dislocation Mechanics, Conservation of Burgers vector, and the augmented Peierls model of dislocation dynamics

Amit Acharya's picture

Dissipative models for the quasi-static and dynamic response due to slip in an elastic body containing a single slip plane of vanishing thickness are developed. Discrete dislocations with continuously distributed cores can glide on this plane, and the models are developed as special cases of a fully three-dimensional theory of plasticity induced by dislocation motion. The reduced models are compared and contrasted with the augmented Peierls model of dislocation dynamics. A primary distinguishing feature of the reduced models is the a-priori accounting of space-time conservation of Burgers vector during dislocation evolution. A physical shortcoming of the developed models as well as the Peierls model with regard to a dependence on the choice of a distinguished, coherent reference configuration is discussed, and a testable model without such dependence is also proposed.


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