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A convex variational principle for the necessary conditions of classical optimal control

Amit Acharya's picture

Amit Acharya        Janusz Ginster

A scheme for generating a family of convex variational principles is developed, the Euler-Lagrange equations of each member of the family formally corresponding to the necessary conditions of optimal control of a given system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) in a well-defined sense. The scheme is applied to the Quadratic-Quadratic Regulator problem for which an explicit form of the functional is derived, and existence of minimizers of the variational principle is rigorously shown. It is shown that the Linear-Quadratic Regulator problem with time-dependent forcing can be solved within the formalism without requiring any nonlinear considerations, in contrast to the use of a Riccati system in the classical methodology.

Our work demonstrates a pathway for solving nonlinear control problems via convex optimization.


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