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uncertainty quantification

OPENINGS FOR A POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER in Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory (CMRL) Johns Hopkins University

                                                                               OPENINGS FOR A POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER


Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory (CMRL)

Johns Hopkins University

Professor Somnath Ghosh


Andrew J. Gross's picture

Open Postdoc on computational methods to process experimental data

A Postdoctoral Fellow is sought to fill an immediate opening in the Gross Materials Lab at the University of South Carolina to work on a DARPA funded project. The postdoc will have the opportunity to attend regular meetings with DARPA and other DOD program managers. The research is focused on extracting yield surfaces from data rich full-field experimental information by solving an inverse problem. This research will be primarily computational and will integrate closely with a graduate student conducting experiments.

jenda_z's picture

Postdoc in Data-driven modeling of engineering materials, Czech Technical University in Prague

Come and join us in Prague to become a 2023 CTU Global Postdoctoral Fellow!

Czech Technical University in Prague offers a fully-funded two-year postdoctoral position in Data-driven modeling of engineering materials. The project will be mentored by Anna Kučerová and will involve collaboration with Bořek Patzák within the MuPIF software project.

Andrew J. Gross's picture

Open Postdoc position for Fall 2023 on computational methods to process experimental data

One postdoc is sought to fill an opening in the Gross Materials Lab (group website: at the University of South Carolina. This research is focused on extracting yield surfaces from data rich full-field experimental information by solving an inverse problem. This research will be primarily computational and will integrate closely with a graduate student conducting experiments. Applicants with relevant experience are strongly encouraged to apply.

rudaz's picture

Postdoc and PhD positions in Uncertainty Quantification and Computational Mechanics - Houston, TX

The Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Lab at the University of Houston (UH), led by Dr. Ruda Zhang, invites applications for:

  • two (2) PhD student positions in areas of data-driven engineering and uncertainty quantification, and
  • one (1) postdoctoral researcher in areas of surrogate modeling and data-driven dynamics.

For job details and updates, see lab webpage:

 PhD Students - 2023

Ajay B Harish's picture

Journal Club for June 2022: Computational mechanics for local-scale modelling of coastal hazards

In 2016, our colleague (Prof. Ahmad Elbanna) addressed one such extreme event (namely, earthquakes and the associate rupture physics). In this journal article, I will be focusing on two other extreme events, namely tsunamis and storm surges and some of the modelling efforts to address these coastal hazards.

Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Course on V&VUQ of Computational Modeling of Materials and Structures

Dear Members of the Mechanics and Materials Communities,

You may have known about the efforts of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MoMS) program of the National Science Foundation on revitalizing the practice of verification and validation (V&V) of computational models as a rigorous and indispensable step in the scientific investigative process.

danialfaghihi's picture

Mini-symposium on “Data-Enabled Predictive Modeling, Machine Learning, and Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Mechanics” at IMECE 2020 conference

Dear Colleagues,


As part of the IMECE 2020 (November 13-19, 2020, Portland, Oregon), we are organizing a topic on “Data-Enabled Predictive Modeling, Machine Learning, and Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Mechanics.” It is listed in Track 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids:


Haoran Wang's picture

Modeling Uncertainties in Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using A Stochastic Reduced-Order Basis

We've recently published our new study about Uncertainty Quantification in Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations. Due to the selection of functional forms of interatomic potentials or the numerical approximation, MD simulations may predict different material behavior from experiments or other high-fidelity results. In this study, we used Stochastic Reduced Order Modeling (SROM) to achieve

(1) mechanical behavior of graphene predicted by MD simulations in good agreement with the continuum model which has been calibrated by experiments;

mbessa's picture

MS1801 @ WCCM2018 -> Data-driven Methods and Applications: from Physics-informed Learning Machines to Optimization Under Uncertainty

Dear colleagues,

We encourage you to submit your abstracts to minisymposium 1801 of the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (New York City, from July 22 to 27 of 2018). This minisymposium focuses on:

1. recently developed methods for data-driven approaches;

2. data-driven applications to fluids, structures and materials involving (but not limited to) machine learning, uncertainty quantification and/or optimization.

jguilleminot_duke's picture

Postdoctoral and PhD positions in Stochastic Computational Mechanics, Duke University

Several positions at the PhD and postdoctoral levels are available in the group of Prof. Guilleminot at Duke University. The ideal candidates should have a particular interest in conducting interdisciplinary research at the interface of computational mechanics, materials science and uncertainty quantification. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) stochastic modeling and computational frameworks for large-scale nonlinear materials and systems, statistical inverse problems and multiscale approaches.

PhD position available at the University of Luxembourg - Additive Layer Manufacturing - Multi-scale Uncertainty Quantification


Profs. Thierry J. Massart (Universite Libre de Bruxelles), Ludovic Noels (Universite de Liege) and Stephane P.A.
Bordas (University of Luxembourg) have recently been awarded a joint research project by the FNRS and FNR.
The project focuses on the mechanical behavior of discrete metallic materials, such as metal foams and printed metallic structures

PhD opportunities

Opening for a new Master student in the Computational Mechanics group, Georgia Southern University

The Computational Mechanics group at Georgia Southern University, led by Dr. Xuchun Ren, is looking for a new Research Assistant, who are capable of and interested in performing high-quality research on engineering design. The research, supported by  U.S. National Science Foundation and Startup Funding, entails building a solid mathematical foundation, devising efficient numerical algorithms, and developing practical computational tools for stochastic topology optimization.

Opening for two new Ph.D. students in the Computational Mechanics group, The University of Iowa.

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

The Computational Mechanics group at The University of Iowa, led by Professor S. Rahman, is looking for two new Ph.D. students, who are capable of and interested in performing high-quality research on isogeometric methods and uncertainty quantification. The research, supported by U.S. National Science Foundation, requires building a solid mathematical foundation, devising efficient numerical algorithms, and developing practical computational tools, all associated with stochastic isogeometric analysis of complex materials and structures. A substantial background in solid mechanics with coding experience in finite-element or similar methods is a must; exposures to uncertainty quantification and probabilistic methods are highly desirable.

Opening for two new Ph.D. students in the Computational Mechanics group, The University of Iowa.

The Computational Mechanics group at The University of Iowa, led by Professor S. Rahman, is looking for two new Ph.D. students, who are capable of and interested in performing high-quality research on isogeometric methods and uncertainty quantification. The research, supported by U.S. National Science Foundation, requires building a solid mathematical foundation, devising efficient numerical algorithms, and developing practical computational tools, all associated with stochastic isogeometric analysis of complex materials and structures. A substantial background in solid mechanics with coding experience in finite-element or similar methods is a must; exposures to uncertainty quantification and probabilistic methods are highly desirable.

LONGQ's picture

fast method for optimal experimental design

Shannon-type expected information gain can be used to evaluate the
relevance of a proposed experiment subjected to uncertainty. The
estimation of such gain, however, relies on a double-loop integration.
Moreover, its numerical integration in multi-dimensional cases, e.g.,
when using Monte Carlo sampling methods, is therefore computationally
too expensive for realistic physical models, especially for those
involving the solution of partial differential equations. In this work,
we present a new methodology, based on the Laplace approximation for the
integration of the posterior probability density function (pdf), to
accelerate the estimation of the expected information gains in the model
parameters and predictive quantities of interest. We obtain a

LONGQ's picture

minisymposium “Methods and Applications for Experimental Design with Uncertainties” at the 12th USNCCM

Dear Colleagues,

We kindly invite you to submit an abstract to the minisymposium:

“Methods and Applications for Experimental Design with Uncertainties”,

which we are organizing at the 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12) Raleigh, North Carolina, July 22 – 25, 2013.

LONGQ's picture

minisymposium “Methods and Applications for Experimental Design with Uncertainties” at the 12th USNCCM

Dear Colleagues,

We kindly invite you to submit an abstract to the minisymposium:

“Methods and Applications for Experimental Design with Uncertainties”,

which we are organizing at the 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12) Raleigh, North Carolina, July 22 – 25, 2013.

Postdoctoral Fellowship at Northwestern University in Stochastic Multiscale Analysis and Design

We are seeking applicants for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in “stochastic multiscale analysis and design” in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA. Applicants are expected to have expertise in the following areas: solid mechanics, uncertainty quantification, finite element modeling, and engineering optimization. The candidate is expected to have a strong background in statistical analysis. Prior experience with material microstructure characterization via image processing, and model uncertainty quantification is preferred.

Uncertainty quantification in mechanics

Modern composite structures have a wide spread in their failure stress.  Advanced multiphysics codes can have a wide range of predicted behavior for nominally the same inputs.  How do we certify the design of such structures or the accuracy of such codes?


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