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Journal Club for February 2023: Understanding Engineering Alloy Behavior by Combining 3D X-ray Characterization and Finite Element Modeling

Darren C. Pagan a, Romain Quey b, Matthew P. Kasemer c

Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA 16802, US

Mines Saint-Etienne, Univ. Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5307 LGF, F–42023 Saint-Etienne, France

Mechanical Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL 35487, US


1. Introduction

PhD position available at the University of Luxembourg - Additive Layer Manufacturing - Multi-scale Uncertainty Quantification


Profs. Thierry J. Massart (Universite Libre de Bruxelles), Ludovic Noels (Universite de Liege) and Stephane P.A.
Bordas (University of Luxembourg) have recently been awarded a joint research project by the FNRS and FNR.
The project focuses on the mechanical behavior of discrete metallic materials, such as metal foams and printed metallic structures

PhD opportunities

mohsenzaeem's picture

Effect of variant strain accommodation on the three-dimensional microstructure formation during martensitic transformation: Application to zirconia

This paper computationally investigates the effect of martensitic variant strain accommodation on the formation of microstructural and topological patterning in zirconia. We used the phase-field technique to capture the temporal and spatial evolution of embryonic formation of the monoclinic phase in tetragonal single crystals. The three-dimensional simulations were able to capture the formation of all the possible monoclinic variants. We used the multivariant single embryo as an initial condition to mitigate the lack of nucleation criteria at the mesoscale.

SIMULIA's picture

Dassault Systèmes welcomes Safe Technology!

We're very pleased to announce that Dassault Systèmes has acquired Safe Technology, Ltd., the developer of the fe-safe durability simulation application suite.

Even if you haven’t used their products, you’ve probably heard the name – Safe Technology
has been a partner of ours for over 15 years, providing a fatigue
solution to Abaqus users through fe-safe. As an add-on to Abaqus/CAE,
fe-safe uses proven techniques to accurately determine the fatigue life
of metal components under complex cyclic loading. fe-safe combines

SIMULIA's picture

Dassault Systèmes welcomes Safe Technology!

We're very pleased to announce that Dassault Systèmes has acquired Safe Technology, Ltd., the developer of the fe-safe durability simulation application suite.

Even if you haven’t used their products, you’ve probably heard the name – Safe Technology
has been a partner of ours for over 15 years, providing a fatigue
solution to Abaqus users through fe-safe. As an add-on to Abaqus/CAE,
fe-safe uses proven techniques to accurately determine the fatigue life
of metal components under complex cyclic loading. fe-safe combines


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Dear all,

Could anyone shed some light on constructing a 3D model in ABAQUS, which cannot be build by simple extrusion, revolution or sweep. I understand that I can build models in CAD and use it as an input for ABAQUS. The only other software I have is MATLAB. Any ideas on how I can build such models directly in ABAQUS/CAE ?



Team Leader - Biomedical Sales (China)

The Mimics Innovation Suite is our world-leading image
processing software for (bio) medical researchers. Mimics® converts Medical
Images into accurate 3D models. As such it provides a link between MRI/CT
images and Rapid Prototyping, Finite Element analysis and CAD. The software is
used in different application areas, ranging from patient specific device
design to population analyses. 

Account manager biomedical software

The Mimics Innovation Suite is our world-leading image
processing software for (bio) medical researchers. Mimics® converts Medical
Images into accurate 3D models. As such it provides a link between MRI/CT
images and Additive Manufacturing, Finite Element analysis and CAD. The
software is used in different application areas, ranging from patient specific
device design to population analyses. Among

Application Engineer (Germany)

Are you interested in being a part of our Materialise high-end image processing software product? For our Biomedical Department we are looking for motivated Application Engineers. 

Rotation of a model

I created a 3D model in Ansys, and when I wanted to mesh, I realised that the model was created in the wrong plane:  the area I wanted to mesh was in the x-z plane, while the plane82 element I needed to use needs to be in the x-y plane.

 Is there a way I can rotate my entire model instead of starting from the beginning?

In addition, how can I create a cylinder with the circle in the x-z plane and its depth in the y direction.  Creating circles and cylinder only gives the option to create the circle in the x-y plane.





corotational formulation for 3D beam

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Validation and benchmarking problems for 3D fluid simulation with free boundaries

I have a hard time finding problem sets for validation and
benchmarking of methods and codes for 3d fluid simulation with free
boundaries. Please guide me to (standardized) problem sets or key
litterture that is a suitable starting point. If there are not many
standardized tests I would like to initiate a dsicussion about what a
good test collection should be. I understand that iMechanica is focused
more on solid mechanics than fluid dynamics but the overlap is big.  

Validation and benchmarking problems for 3D fluid simulation with free boundaries

I have a hard time finding problem sets for validation and benchmarking of methods and codes for 3d fluid simulation with free boundaries. Please guide me to (standardized) problem sets or key litterture that is a suitable starting point. If there are not many standardized tests I would like to initiate a dsicussion about what a good test collection should be. I understand that iMechanica is focused more on solid mechanics than fluid dynamics but the overlap is big.

[SOLVED] 3D crack growth modelling in Abaqus by XFEM

Good day everyone,

I'm new to iMechanica and look forward to getting to know everyone here. Smile

I'm currently doing analysis of interlaminar crack growth in fibre-reinforced composite by Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) using Abaqus. I'm a new Abaqus user and therefore I have to familiarise myself by constructing random 2D and 3D models with isotropic materials before jumping onto anisotropic.

How to distinguish the 'Tensil' and 'Compression' state for 3D elements?


Hi, I'm facing this problem for a while. Does anybody have any idea?

ANSYS Modelling 3D Surface-to-surface Contact, need help

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I am fairly new to ANSYS and have been trying to model the interaction between glass micro-spheres and silicone polymer micro-structures for my dissertation research.  I've been working through the online manual, but have been getting very odd results when running the simulation.  Any help at all would be appreciated.  The summary of my problem is as follows:


It may help to first refernce the first two images at :

Mimics 11.1 released!

Leuven, November 19, 2007. Materialise
launches Mimics 11.1, the new release of the company’s medical imaging and
editing software. This new release builds on the last one, enhancing export to
FEA even more. Overall usability and performance were improved with some very
nice new features. Take a look at our website for more information.


Mimics 11 released!

June 14, 2007, Materialise released a new and improved version
of its image processing software Mimics. It will again raise the bar in image
processing and editing based on stacked data such as CT and MRI. Continuous
development and support have resulted in the release of Mimics 11.

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